Quick way to clear recording buffer

Hi guys

How do you clear the recording buffer of a flex machine as fast as possible?


I’ve not actually tried this but have you tried func+clear in audio editor? Might not work just a shot in the dark

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  1. make sure you’re not in any record mode
  2. open recording options
  3. func+clear, then yes.
    Buffer cleared / reset.

I tend to keep recording options open by default for this purpose.


As always OT gives you more than one way to do what you want to and it depends why you want to clear recorder’s buffer - what do you want to do next?

You can overwrite if you need buffer for next recording. No need to clear anything.

You can press FUNC+CLEAR in slot list after selecting buffer. Then another press - YES to confirm. Like clearing other regular slots. Probably useful in case when you have trigs linked to buffer and want to make them silence at once.

Edit: I am responding to OP’s post :grinning:

You can turn off OT - if recordings are not saved and you don’t need them, they are gone for sure.


FUNC+CLEAR clears pattern or track trigs on my machine. I am not in any record mode.

You have to be in Recording Setup.

Bumping up an old thread, just to share this tip: I also need sometimes to clear as fast as possible like the OP, the goal being “no more sound from the record buffer” so I just hit rec twice. I use rec 3 for this and have no input assigned to rec 3. (I’m always in "quick record mode, OTMkII)
The recorder will clear the buffer and record a snippet of silence. That is a one-button, no-menu-diving live-performance-friendly solution.


This is a problem I’ve been trying to solve for years, and I think I’ve come up with a useful solution.
If you have a MIDI Pedal that can send multiple messages per press, here’s a method that can clear all your rec buffers in one step.


Basically, the solution is using a dedicated ‘clear buffer’ pattern to (very quickly) record over the buffers.
I didn’t think it would work at first, since the commands are sent in very quick succession, but it does!

I hope this helps anyone who’s been looking for a viable solution to this :smile: