Re-learning the Digitone

Get yourself a battery such as XTPower (see portable batteries thread), and it’s easier to bring outside :slight_smile:

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I have a dope battery pack that I use. IPad is still more convenient :wink:

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Just use the DN the way it’s intended. It sounds much better than any iPad app and is much more fun to use. I think it’s going to be hard to find another interface that’s interchangeable with it.

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It really is the best synth to learn and understand FM. Nothing comes close really.

It’s very flexible yet compact in its FM structure. And if you enjoy playing it, getting a deeper software FM synth will just take time from mastering digitone.


Another thing I found invaluable in wrapping my head around FM is an oscilloscope. Nothing better for developing an intuitive understanding of different modulation frequencies and amounts.

This is trivial on the iPad with an AU3 oscilloscope app. I use the Blue Mangoo one. I think it’s US$5 and includes a great spectrum analyzer ( But there are dozens of great options.

Being able to see in real-time what a carrier looks like when, say, modulated 1:1 by an op at 2/3 depth is a game changer for understanding FM.

(It looks like this, by the way :content:)


Indeed. I’ve been rocking scopes a bunch. There’s also one in Drambo.


Maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t the DN architecture incredibly close to Live’s Operator? Not just 4 op, but the output mix option and oscillator harmonic control.

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Maybe. I don’t use Live.