Real Future Of AI in Music: Production Copilot Coming To Your DAW?

it’s just a tool. getting mad at AI “copilots” is like painters getting mad at digital artists using photoshop.

Nobody gives a shit about “tools”, it’s the glut of unavoidable trash coming our way, rewarded by algorithms.

I’m a painter who uses photoshop, the problem is I have a bunch of individuals posting AI content that add up to it being unavoidable on every single site I’m on, and that’s just getting started.

I actually enjoy bad, amateur content in art, music, and movies. When a human lifetime’s worth of energy is crunched to shit out bland content at a rapid pace, it becomes a problem.

A little nuance would be good to understand any criticism over pretending people are “luddites”.


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I would like to introduce you to Roko’s Basilisk:

Roko’s basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development. It originated in a 2010 post at discussion board LessWrong, a technical forum focused on analytical rational enquiry. The thought experiment’s name derives from the poster of the article (Roko) and the basilisk, a mythical creature capable of destroying enemies with its stare.

Spoiler: it’s just Pascal’s Wager, but in AI drag.

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yeah, and that method of torture starts with making everyone type duck instead of fuck, for all eternity.


That’s an insult to drag!

Roko’s basilisk is a truly dim attempt at humor, apparently now used to grift money out of the underclass by self-proclaimed “Altruists” who started off rich, but now want to get filthy rich and their contribution to humanity will be… using that money on themselves so the basilisk won’t get you!!!

See also Roko's basilisk - RationalWiki


Are people actually doing this? I simultaneously want and do not want to see this happening in the wild. (I mean, if it is happening, I kind of want to gawk. I don’t want to encourage people to engage in these grifts).

The SBF/FTX Effective Altruist crowd were more concerned with shrimp welfare, and with some exception mostly ripped off other extremely wealthy idiots.

In my experience, the tech industry in general and AI people & companies in particular are extremely supportive of UBI.

Of course those assholes are.

On 22 July, Roko Mijic, then a well-respected and prolific LessWrong poster and an intern at SIAI, posted “Public Choice and the Altruist’s Burden” — heavily laden with LW jargon and references to LW concepts, and almost incomprehensible to the casual reader — which spoke of how, as MIRI (then SIAI) is the most important thing in the world , a good altruist’s biggest problem is how to give everything they can to the cause without guilt at neglecting their loved ones, and how threats of being dumped for giving away too much of the couple’s money had been an actual problem for some SIAI donors.[42]

Developers are, with their time and wallets, I don’t think companies and California Ideaology money are.

At least, not in such a sense that they actually understand what UBI is beyond the deregulationary bullshit peddled by Yang & co that will leave nothing for disabilities.

IDK, for “extremely supportive” I’d hope that they’d actually do something other than talk about how great it will be when AI makes their jobs unnecessary and how everyone will be supported… somehow. It’s very easy to toss kind words around, but I haven’t seen much to suggest they’re doing anything more than stating it will vastly change the economy (eh) alongside that it’ll all work itself out and people will have to be paid more because of all that supposed increased productivity.

Ah, the breathless, risk-free Calvinball old money dorks giggle themselves over to avoid thinking about how to actually make anything better in life using granddad’s wealth-

… there is the ominous possibility that if a positive singularity does occur, the resultant singleton may have precommitted to punish all potential donors who knew about existential risks but who didn’t give 100% of their disposable incomes to x-risk motivation. … So a post-singularity world may be a world of fun and plenty for the people who are currently ignoring the problem, whilst being a living hell for a significant fraction of current existential risk reducers (say, the least generous half). You could take this possibility into account and give even more to x-risk in an effort to avoid being punished. But of course, if you’re thinking like that, then the CEV-singleton is even more likely to want to punish you… nasty. Of course this would be unjust, but is the kind of unjust thing that is oh-so-very utilitarian.


I think cancer can only be cute when a certain ex-KGB agent gets it. No AI can help you with that.


Not only am I shit with music…with typing as well.

im gonna fix that one :man_facepalming:t5:
I don’t use spell check as mentioned
nothing ‘cute’ about cancer. it got my mum

That would be wery difficult , the human performance and desisions are not only rational, they are also irrational ( more so in art), and that is what makes them interesting and creates “originality” and stile. “Mistakes” are higher level of order .


Follow up…

News companies be like




nobody sees the irony in AI drake

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Irony’s been dead for a while mate.

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I’m going back to making folk music. Where’s my hurdy-gurdy?

Probably on the wall of some pop-up microbrewery in Hackney.

That’s not how this is going to play put. The copyright office has made it very clear that to the extent that something is generated by an AI, it is not copyrightable. So using these tools means you have no right to your own music, because it’s not yours. There’s also no their I can see that makes the creation of these models not the creation of a derivative work that the model creators had no rights to make — hence why Getty images is currently suing OpenAI for $1.8 trillion. Yes, with a T.

The output of the tools is derivative trash, across the board — no company with a sane legal department is letting their engineers touch them, and no sane artist would do otherwise.