Real Time Input Quantize on RYTM?

Hi! After watching the ubiquitous Fred Again Maschine+ videos, I got to wondering if the RYTM could quantize the pad inputs so that no matter when you hit a pad, the sound that output would be locked to the grid as long as the sequencer was playing. I know you can set the quantization level to full so that if you’re recording, the trigs will be on the grid once played back, but I’m wondering if theres a way to lock them to the grid while live playing. This would be great for performing, particularly if you had different retrig levels set on different pads, and you could live play in some interesting fills or note patterns that were perfectly tempo synced. I know Machine does this and even most DJ controllers with pads can do this, but I can’t find how to make my RYTM do this. Any help would be appreciated!

How would it work tho? If you’re late on a hit, the sequencer can’t predict that and so it can only play the sound as you triggered it and then lock it to the correct step on the next playthrough. If you’re early on a hit, I could see it working. Is that what Rytm does?

OT can do this, you can quantize manual sample triggering (1/16th minimum). Not on the Rytm, though.

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I think all late hits would go to the next beat subdivision according to that track’s scaling? I don’t have a Maschine to test this out and see how they do it, but that would make sense. I also remember setting up a midi controller to ableton and being able to do a similar thing.

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Whoa really? I’ll have to check this out on my OT, can you point me where to turn that on?
Seems like it would make the most sense to have this feature on the only Electron instrument with pads (aside from the model samples/cycles)!

Yeah, sure, live play would be quantized to the next step or whatever else the quantization is set to. On the Rytm, even retriggers are unquantized, so you best bet it so use another sequencer to trigger the Rytm, maybe only for retriggering stuff, snare rolls, fills etc. or do some trickery with trig mutes, copy/paste trigs, use trig conditions like Fill or stuff like that so that you can introduce trigs when you need them.

Sure. It´s found under sample attributes. Open sample in the audio editor, go to attributes. There´s the Quantized Trig parameter. That´s only for manual triggering of samples with [Tracks]+[Play] or with the last eight trig buttons.
You can also quantize triggering of tracks set to plays free (pattern edit menu, scroll down to Trig Quant).

Awesome, I’ll check that out on the OT.

Yep on the RYTM and DT I use Fill for this kind of stuff, but especially with the velocity and pressure sensitive pads it would be great to have that same Trig Quant function. I suppose I’ll add this to the feature request thread for RYTM.

Yeah, would be really cool to have that on the Rytm, at least the retrigs…It´s already a staple in the feature request thread. I guess we should email Elektron about this a bit more…

Quantized trig is quite powerful on the OT. You can quantize to the next step or to the beginning of a bar (great for introducing risers, swelling fx, reverse cymbals and stuff like that) or to pattern length if you want to introduce a sample when the whole pattern loops again…

Same for quantizing plays free tracks, very useful!

Wow, yes this is exactly what I’ve been hoping for on the RYTM! I’ll definitely check it out on the OT, excited to dig into that more. Thanks for sharing.

Glad its being requested for RYTM, I’ll add to the group requesting this, maybe I will email Elektron. As far as RYTM requests go, it’s probably a ways down on the list behind requests for a second filter and LFO.

No idea where that´s on their list, obviously, but I´d guess it would make sense to implement it, because I´m pretty sure there are users out there that expected retrigs to be quantized or expected to have the option to quantize them. Not an unreasonable expectation, imho. Think MPC note repeat or similar features on the Tempest, Maschine or in the software world. From a company´s point of few, I´d want to avoid that moment of confusion and “wtf, why´s that not in there?”.

Anyways, I´ll try playing with quantized midi plays free from the OT to sequence fills, retrigs/rolls/ratchets on the Rytm later. The OT arp should be lots of fun for realtime performing of retrgs…

OT Arp + realtime quantized retrigs = :exploding_head:

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