Recorder trigs on the OT not placed on step 1 - examples?

Hey guys,

So it’s clear to me what the use of Recorder Trigs are on the first step of a pattern, but not really when it comes to using these trigs on later steps. Can anyone explain to me any practical examples of why you might want a Recorder Trig on, say, step 7 as opposed to only on step 1? Can you use multiple Recorder Trigs in a single pass, and if so, why might you want to do this?

At the moment I tend to use one-shot trigs to record at pattern length, and have never put a Recorder Trig at any step other than step 1. So I was wondering what people use this functionality for!

With rec trigs other than step 1, the idea is to refresh recordings, or delay it to play reverse or 2x. It can be used for a delay (feedback recording Cue). Make your own experiments !

Ex 1 : 8 step real-time Reverse.

Rec Trig on T1, InAB, step 1
Recording 1 played on step 9, T1, Rate - 63, (microtiming +1/384 for internal sampling)

Rec Trig on T2, inAB, step 9
Recording 2 played on step 1, T1, Rate - 63
(microtiming +1/384 for internal sampling)

Ex 2 : Refresh recordings, pitch down for bass sound with a guitar.

Rec trigs at each step
Recording at each step, pitch - 12, time stretch off


Search this forum, there was the same question asked before with some great answers.

Forgive me for bumping an old thread… Why do you use the microtiming adjustment for internal sampling? I’m still trying to wrap my head around the record trigs.

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If you don’t the sample won’t be played directly, and you will hear it after the end of the first recording.
For a one bar pattern, you hear it one bar after, even if you record all the time.

If you add +1/384 to Flex trig, you’ll hear the recording directly (you can also set rec trig to - 1/384, but you’ll have to wait pattern’s length for first recording).