Recording Send Effects

I am probably / almost certainly being very dim, I want to record / sample audio complete with send effects. I currently have set up my OT with a Nord Wave in (C D) and a chain of effects, including a compressor, 2 x delay a looper and a reverb (Cue out > A B in). I have the mix set to AB 127 DIR and CD 127 DIR. I record the Nord with the cue turned up so I get a nice effected sound although of course the recording is actually dry. I would like to record the combined wet and dry signal, can I do this? if so how? or do I need to resample it on another track? I’ve been resampling using the REC1 button (i.e. A B input) and the SRC3 button but then I’m only recording the effect and lose the original dry signal. I tried using a Thru track, but couldn’t find a way of making that work, ideally I would imagine this might be a better way of doing it but I only have limited hair to pull out! If anyone can help, especially if they can do it without making feel like an absolute imbecile I will be forever grateful.

Set a Thru machine and activate the first step. Choose the input(s) and turn down Dir.
Go to the Personalize Menu and set “Cue mutes Track”.
Send the thru track to cue outputs.
Press “play” then it should work. Of course you can stop again. It’s just for “starting” the thru machine.


Can’t help you with recording settings because I don’t use this but if your thru track is working you might find the right settings.

Thanks, Transference. I’d prefer to use a Thru track because of the added potential for tweaking incoming sounds it’s just getting the Sends to work that’s dragging me down. Still, I’m sure I’ll get there in the end…

That’s what I discribed above. Good luck. Let me know if you get it work.

Should work selecting the Thru track with SRC3 (T1-T8) and INAB (AB).

With DIR only you can record with SRC3 = MAIN.

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-turn direct to 0 for both input pairs
-Cue the CD inputs directly by pressing cue+recCD

Now your synth coming into CD is sent directly to cue outs, through your fx, and back into AB.
From here you have some options.

-monitor with mixer dir by turning AB dir back up to full, record with track recorder input AB, play and or live loop on flex assigned to buffer

-Monitor with PU track, easy to add fx and can record/loop using pickup methods (this way records the signal as it is coming into AB but monitors and plays back loop through its fx slots, usefull for changing the fx parameters after you’ve recorded as they’re not baked in)

-monitor with thru track to add more fx, use a recorder and SRC3 set to thru track to capture everything including thru fx, play and or live loop on flex… (thru tracks can have sequenced plocks, PU’s can not)

-Set up a flex/buffer combo with rec trig inputAB on step one and a play trig on step one… This will play your live signal until you remove the record trig and then it will loop the current pattern cycle you removed the trig on. Can add fx but won’t be in the recording, again useful for changing them after recording.

-probably more variations… :smile:

If you pick one that sounds good and can’t make it work, can give more details…


Too many options? :joy:
Optionsatrack! :wink:


Thanks Mike, that is very helpful. I didn’t know about pressing the cue and record buttons. I’ll be experimenting with that tomorrow. Hopefully, that will enable me to record audio in, with any degree of send effects as well as resampling tracks again with any chosen amount of send effect.

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The more, the better.

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