I don’t have a Rytm, but it’s #1 on my list, with the Tanzbar and Machinedrum right behind it.
So, has anyone tried to replicate it or get close to the Tanzbar clap? It’s an awesome clap, like a raw noir slap against polished wood, if that makes any sense (probably not). If not on the Rytm, has anyone been able get close to it digitally on the machinedrum?
I did love that Tanzbar clap before I sold mine. Haven’t specifically set out to emulate it on the AR, but just from playing around I haven’t gotten all that close.
One particularly nice thing about the Tanz clap is that it’s stereo. Last night I was messing around with panning AR tracks 2 and 4 (snare and clap) and having them play similar clap samples layered with analog clappy sounds. That combining with microtiming the individual hits to be slightly off got me in the ballpark of the stereo richness I’m looking for with a clap.
haven’t tried it, but from demos the clap seemed to be the best thing about tanzbär…
a thing I was thinking of, regarding stereo:
how about splitting a stereo sample in L/R channels, and assigning to 2 tracks in the RYTM, panned hard left/right? Could be good…
ya, see, this is what I thought too. Anyway, it’s more that even if you can get close, you get to mess around with some variability in the design of the clap, whereas having just the sample doesn’t allot you a whole lot of leeway in designing claps in a similar spectrum, unless of course you layer the sample.
earlier today I’ve tried some stereo clap samples, not from tanzbär, just some random ones I’ve found.
downloaded them on iPad with audioshare, used it to split stereo to Left/Right mono files, transferred to RYTM with STROM… loaded them into two tracks, panned hard left/right…
the cool thing is, with STROM’s CTL-AL function you can tweak params on multiple tracks of your choice at once… so it’s quite straightforward to treat the samples on two tracks as one, in terms of tweakage. Works super good!
for trigs, it’s easy enough to edit one track and quickly copy it to the other…
One thing that was very cool was to do the sample-oscillator thing (loop, close start/end points) in stereo! random S&H LFO on sample fine tune gives nice chorus… totally got distracted by this… the claps went stereo bassline after a short bit lol
conclusion: definitely try splitting stereo samples, and loading them in two tracks.