Resampling a recorder to itself?

Hi guys,

I often want to resample a recording from on of the buffers to the same buffer, but I am really confused about how this works. An example:

  1. I have a flex machine on track one, and have recorded me singing a note to the recorder 1.

  2. Then I put a comb filter on the track, and I want to resample it, so I can play the comb filter cromatically.

  3. I put a one shot trigger on the first step and also a one shot recorder trigger on beat one.

  4. I press play.

And, sometimes this works and sometimes the recorder is suddenly empty. I cannot figure out how this works. How do you guys do this kind of resampling?

I hope this made sense :slight_smile:


Ok eh, how to explain this one:
You can use a flex-machine-recorder as a thru machine. if you have a play trig and a record-trigger on the same spot.
But, if you play with pitch or rate, or slices that doesnt exist yet. you hear nothing. and your waveform dissapears, you can play with pitch and in some degree with rate if you put your play-trigger AFTER the record trigger. as in time. If you microstep your record trigger a few steps to the left… and your play trigger a few microsteps to the right… you can play a bit with the pitch, and your incomming sound is slightly delayed but still reasonably in time… most singers and live playing people are not that well timed anyways :slight_smile:
I hope this longwinded explanation help a bit… however me personally… i would do it slightly difrent.

I would have a thru-machine so i can hear my incomming source.
maybe a neighboor machine, so i can use extra effects.
so lets say track1 is thru machine with input a-b (thats machinedrum here)
track2 is a neighboor machine with lofi and delays (gotta have something)
track3 will be recordertrack with flexrecorderslot3
track4 will be recorder track with flexrecorderslot4
SceneA1 (fader to left) would be sound of track 1 and 2
SceneB15 (fader to right) would be sound of track3
SceneB16 (fader to right) would be sound of track4

both track 3 and 4 will have a play-trigger on step1… but NOT A RECORD TRIGGER
In the recordersetup-page1 of track3 i would choose track2 as src3 and nothing on src1 and 2. length of recording to lenght of pattern… and in recordersetup-page2 of track3 i would turn on that quantized recording stuff (i think put both on qpl)

the recorder setup of track4 will be the same, but src3 will be track3
Now i put fader to left … so i hear machinedrum… play with me filters and delays and all that jazz… and if i like it…press track3button+midi/part… it should start recording at beginning of pattern, and record to end of pattern.
if i put fader to the right… and make sure sceneb15 is selected… i should hear track3 playing… the recording + filters… because i am recording the neighboor machine… not the inputs :slight_smile: (and the neighboor machine is just for extra oomph… you could just be boring and use track1 as src3) …
now you can play with filters and slices and whatnot you like…
and when you like it… you press track4button + midi/part…
again… your octa should start recording at beginning of pattern…
and switch to sceneB16 after recording… to hear it play…

Save your sample, when you really like it… and wash and repeat…

I hope this help you out… and i typed clear, easy to follow and without memory-mistakes… (I do make m once in a while) :slight_smile: so cross your fingers… maybe others have better idea…

Thanks a lot for the thorough explanation! I’ll give it a try.

However, I mostly need my other tracks for playing other samples, so if I could avoid using two tracks for the resampling procedure I would be a happy man :slight_smile:

I’ll try to play around with your micro timing suggestion, and see if that helps.



I am 98% certain… you can record into a buffer… without using it to play a sample.
as in … you can have a track play samples in a flex or static track… independand of that track recording something in its own buffer…
You do however need to sacrifice one as a flex-track to play the contents of a buffer…

U can even use parts for this: to switch roles of tracks.
but i am not smart enough / skilled enough to explain that very clear.

you need to record into a different buffer if you want to resample. you can play it back on the same track, but you’ll want to remove the fx using another part, or scenes, or manually turning down wet/dry, etc. otherwise you’ll end up comb filtering your comb filtered sample (which hey, give that a shot too while you’re at it :slight_smile:

Good point…