Resonance doesn't follow midi CC

RYTM has a pretty decent midi spec and I’ve set up a PC4 to access the stuff that I need most often. Generally this is really great, making it all more playable. One problem though is that the midi CC for resonance has a really odd curve. Most of the CCs act as you would expect, the physical dial looks roughly like what the dial in RYTM looks like. But with resonance it’s already pretty resonant at 9 o’clock and the dial in RYTM is already at noon.

I couldn’t see any scaling in Global, anyone got any crafty workarounds for this sort of thing?

not for me - the MIDI input maps 1:1 with the AR knob in terms of value

maybe you need to look at the settings for that knob in the controller - or limit it to part of the actual res range if that’s more to your liking

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And the AR filters have insane resonance range, gets to ridiculous levels fast, even when controlling internally

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