Restrictions are for the dreamless

I briefly thought the craters appeared to be landing both on and off a grid, and the “restriction” being removed was sequencing to a rigid grid. but, we basically already have that with micro-timing.

unless you consider playing keys, and having no sequencer, being freed from this restriction? :thinking:


So was the teaser campaign for the Model:Samples

Only Digitone
Only Digitakt
And then
“Only ____”

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The teaser for Digitakt started out with ambient drones too


You could think battery pack is removing restrictions.

Even more pointless bleep ambient YouTube vids with gear on top of a galloping aardvark .


personally from the hints so fat I’d say it’s pretty clear:

they’re releasing a new limited edition 90s style Video synthesizer with an attached rocket launch pad for firing your Digitakt at the moon.

I quite like restrictions, though.


It’s the Digiwave! :pray:

Maybe it’s because you’re dreamless


it won’t be the battery pack. Cuckoo publicly said “I saw it, it’s almost done, could be at SB…” which he would never do if they’re running a teaser campaign this strong.

Maybe elektron are giving away European passports to u.k residents if the idiots succeed …
I’ll be able to visit Europe with no restrictions.
(i haven’t seen the B word mentioned yet )


Could be! Restrictions take me to places I could never dream of, since they force me to employ a certain kind of creativity to navigate around the limitations.

It’s also how acid house was born, so there’s that too.


This is hypnotic.
I now have a strong urge to throw my Digi’s out of my bedroom window.

Maybe this will unlock new features.

I’m going home to test my theorey.

I’ll see you when i wake up.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

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Any time I dream, I dream of spiders and my genitals falling off.

I wish I were dreamless, I haven’t slept in months


Honestly I’m a little put off by the tagline. I too find restrictions beneficial in that they both control my uncontrolled impulses and make me think in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise. Which is kind of what makes Elektron so appealing to me as they offer a lot but still controlled…

which is another reason why this is a bit off putting: the notion that Elektron is taking aim at what they consider “restrictions” is tbh terrifying.


Also they’re insinuating accomplishing something that is arguably impossible

What if it’s a virtual modular box?


Just battery pack? Oops. Sorry for making misfortune :joy:

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No restrictions?: Elektron device loaded with Max patches

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Exactly. Please no cause I just ordered a Zoia. :roll_eyes:

Wonder if the DSP boot failure caused that DN to crash and burn?