RetroKits RK-006. Midi Hub, USB Host, Interface, Gate Hub

Yep, I’m using it like that. It can be a bit picky about which USB devices it supports, for example I can’t use my Morningstar MC8 with the RK006 or the RK006 will weird out and stop forwarding messages until it’s rebooted

I’m updating my mobile synth rig to incorporate the Retrokits RK006 as the Midi backbone. Unfortunately my two existing USB-Hubs (both passive 4-port models from Anker) don’t seem to work with the RK006. They get power allright when connected to the RK006 but no Midi is being send or recieved via USB.

Did anyone have similar problems?
What passive / unpowered USB Hubs do you use with the RK006?

(Note: I’m using the RK006 in standalone mode, not connected to a PC and I already tried using different cables & power sources but it makes no difference).

So, I didn’t have a huge amount of luck with the USB aspect of the 006. I ended up selling it and upgrading to an iConnectivity MioXM.

If I remember correctly, the 006 only supports a couple of decided through USB hub and he was really particular about the type of hub. It needed to be USB 2 class compliant I think, not 3. They sell small hubs on their website which you can be confident will work.

Thanks for the info @dontlament. In the meantime I finally DID get it to work with this 4-port USB 3.0 hub.

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I’ve tried 4 random ones and they all worked fine, I think it’s a lot more than a few. @quilibrium is your 006 updated to the latest firmware?

ordered one today.
should be a perfect companion for Axoloti which i use as MIDI processor.

also, can’t wait to try preset № 5:

Outputs 6 to 10 will ‘round-robin’ note messages from MIDI channel 1 from USB / IN1 / IN2 so you can combine low-polyphonic (or monophonic) devices to act as one bigger polyphonic device.

seems to be super cool for certain genres, e.g. goa trance.
i planned to implement something similar as part of my Axoloti arpeggiator – but it’s already in RK006.

How does the rk-006 handle usb midi devices like launch control / key step?

Can they be routed wherever via usb or do they need midi to be sent via din?

RK-006 is versatile, so either but your setup decision could vary depending on whether or not you’re in the box.
I think if I’m plugged into the MacBook, I’m getting power and signal from the computer, so then I’d use the 3.5mm midi. There’s an adapter so you can jump the key step in over usb as well, but I find that adapter just sits on my desk.
The two midi ins can easily be routed several different ways. Like in1 goes to outs1-5 and in2 goes to outs 6-10. Also, if you’re really spread out, don’t overlook the benefits of a simple Y adapter cable.
Support at retrokits is among the best in the business.


In my small setup, that’s all I’ve needed so far. I know there are some combinations of devices where this doesn’t work. It wouldn’t surprise me to find that this shouldn’t be done for some reason.

We’re not talking about whether to pick up yet another Elektron box (maybe?), or whether to use aluminum foil as a substitute for the power cable you lost… (please don’t) :cold_sweat:
Apart from stuff like that “should” is a distraction. Use what works for you until you find something better that you like [because it’s obvious to you that you need it].

I’ve read the RK-006 manual at least 10 times (it’s about a page long), and I still don’t know what it all means.
The important thing, to me, is that I got my setup working. And as I experiment and change stuff up, it holds up, except when I outsmart myself.
Even with the RK-006, you can jam yourself up with midi feedback if the routing is just too clever. Usually there’s a viable routing alternative that didn’t jump out at me first.

I am using what works for me.

I’m also speculating that there are possible reasons behind occasional failures …

… and that these might be rooted in the fact that the midi spec does not provide guarantees that this approach will work.

Thanks for sharing