Roland Boutique SH-01A

I’m gonna crack up with this thing lol it keeps playing arps/sequences when I trigger other boutiques in Logic… My TB-03 even though set on a different midi channel is playing the same damn pattern as the SH01a instead of playing it’s own :thinking::rage::rage:

Reviving this thread because I’m curious to see if people are still liking the SH-01A now that it’s been out for awhile. Is it better or worse than the Behringer MS-01 ? I’ve also heard it’s one of the better boutiques to purchase. All in all, I have a Novation BS2 and wondering if this would be a reasonable replacement as a bass synthesizer and more.



I had the BS2 years ago and was never crazy about it. Sold it to a friend and haven’t missed it, though I enjoy messing with it as his house on occasion (it is a very nice synth, just wasn’t what I needed at the time).

I got the SH-01A a couple years ago and it got shelved for a while as I moved towards a more computer based production setup, but now I use it as my only hardware synth and absolutely love it. It compliments my ITB workflow very well. It sounds great, even as a poly synth (I add chorus from TAL Chorus and it gets a pretty cool Juno vibe, though a bit thicker and grittier).

I tried the Behringer MS-101 recently and found I much prefer the SH-01A. The Behringer is analog but didn’t sound as good as the Boutique to me (and as I mentioned, I love its poly mode). I think Roland did a great job with the SH-01A and would recommend it to anyone looking for that sound.


It’s great!
Thinking about getting the Ju06a though.
However, the SH01a has a polysequencer. Strange decision not to give the Ju06a the same sequencer


I think it’s an amazing synth, especially in poly or unison mode for some crazy thick sounds. What it lacks is a chorus so I process in ITB with Audio Damage’s Fluid or else pug it through a TC Electronic Third Dimension pedal (both of these effects are dirty cheap btw). For sound examples, all the synths here are SH-01A, occasional VP-03 and sub bass from Ableton’s Analog:


The SH-01A really is great synth. I love mine. Sounds great, compact, and an awesome sequencer.

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I’ve got 2 but I’m kind of a 101 freak. You can get a whole lot out of 2 of these, plus they’re compact so perfect for live use.

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I’m also thinking of getting the JU-06A. That built-in chorus is just :heart_eyes:


I’m not the biggest chorus fan… But it has a built in delay. That’s always extremely useful…
The Juno emulation from TAL is my most used synth plugin, so I guess I’d like the ju06a a lot.

But since I don’t use chorus much, the Sh01a in polymode should not be too different

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Definitely useful to have a delay on board, plus having the high pass filter is great. Too often the SH-01A got a bit muddy in the low end with poly mode.

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lovin the 01a here too. sounds mint, + poly is a huge bonus vs the behringer.


true. Didn’t think of the highpass. Very useful

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Considering I don’t use the keys for the Bass Station 2, I may switch to the SH-01A. Can it get as deep / low as the BS2 ? Also, not sure if this is an SH101 , but I believe it to be. Would the SH-01A be able to do these type of basslines? Starts at 0:28 seconds.


Plus patch memories, sequencer memories, unison.

TBH I prefer SH-01a to the original :heretic:


Yes it could do both those bass sounds easily. It kind of excels at that type of sound.

Quite a nice tune BTW, never heard of this artist before.


And here comes the gas…:disappointed_relieved: Honestly, I believe I would get so much more out of an SH-01A than my Bass Station 2. It would be fairly even trade. I keep hearing how good the sound quality is and I’ve heard the layout is one of the best for the Boutiques. Anybody have experience with the poly mode and pads? I typically only use 2 note chords (diads) for most pads, I’m thinking this might also work well as a pad machine.

Also, Microlith has become one of my main inspirations for my own music. His tracks contain beautiful melodies with these wonderful electro style rhythms. Unfortunately he had passed away a few years ago at the young age of 24. His music was getting better and better with each release, it’s really sad. He was a huge Roland fan and his music reflects that for sure. I urge any electro or techno fan to listen to him.

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Its great for pads also, very Juno-ey IMHO.


Yeah, it killed my GAS for an original. And real estate is always a premium, so the size of the SH-01A wins out for me. The SH-01A with the K-25m keyboard feels like the best mashup of the MC-202 and SH-101.

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I have it. I love it.
As has been said, it sounds as much like you want a 101 to sound but it has poly and unison (which I use A LOT).
Haven’t had any clock issues and it plays nice with my Digitone sequencer. The patch storage and different LFO types are also a very nice addition, especially when performing.
If I have any gripes it’s that the sliders are a bit close together because a quarter of the unit is taken up with pitch and mod sliders that I don’t use, but they seem to have remedied that with the ju06a. Also, I’d have preferred 1/4 outputs but it’s a fair compromise I suppose.

The only people that seem disappointed by it are the ones who were always going to be disappointed by it.