Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Assuming the effects are indeed as good as they seem to be, having per-instruments effects, and master reverb and delay with per-instrument sends and a stereo master effect on top of all that is indeed very interesting for a stand-alone box.

I guess that’s one of the benefits of modeling versus real analogue.


I don’t own either. I have no dog in this fight.

This was a simple observation that you took exception to.

If you find a post inappropriate or off topic, then use the flag system. If it’s not worth flagging, why not just allow it as an addition to the discussion?

Also, sample tones have a few things before they even hit the instrument fx:

  • stereo spread
  • filter
  • bit reduce

That’s quite a lot of fx in the box… I’m not even sure I’ll actually use the seperate outs !

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I don’t mind your observation regarding the differences. I wanted to point out that your reference to “the people calling this a Rytm killer” was unfounded in the context of this thread before people started piling on.

It’s not up to me to allow or disallow anything since I’m not a moderator. Part of having a discussion is people responding to each other, which is exactly what I did to your post.

I’m sure you didn’t intend this as flame bait, and I regret having used that expression.


Bit of a bummer. I guess Roland thinks users will rely primarily on MIDI clock/MIDI sync.

I guess I’d have to add an attenuator to my theoretical Eurorack system budget if I want to use analog sync

Yeah, I was surprised to find out the sample voices have their own low-pass and high-pass filter with resonance as well as a dedicated filter envelope.

The only think that’s a bit of a shame is that there’s only one global LFO per kit with LFO target and depth per instrument instead of per-instrument LFOs with a single-trigger option and envelope-like shapes.

yes… however I can think of interesting uses for that.

It is one of the reasons I created this, no need for eurorack space (btw there are other attenuators available or of course diy)


I have a RYTM and really like it but ultimately, just need a solid more traditional analog/ACB drum flow
I love getting technical with Percussion using the MnM, DT And other machines but not my bread and butter drum machine
Going to return my RYTM MK2 today and order the TR8S today actually


Indeed, this is a valid point, the AR is a much deeper machine and really quite different, it all depends what you need. Elektron gear tends to be deeper than most, at the expense of “sweet spots” being easily found, I’d go so far as to say most beginners should avoid most Elektron gear because there are lots of options to familiarise oneself with and lots of possibilities to make them sound ‘bad’.

Stuff like the TR-8 instantly sounds great, but even with all the new features over the OG TR-8, it is still pretty basic. I recently bought a Toraiz SP-16 and it too suffers somewhat from being overly simple, for me, so I can find it limiting in a bad way compared to say the Octatrack, which I have grown very accustomed to with all of its options for fuckery :wink: But for knocking up a quick sample based beat or taking a sample I’d reach for the SP-16 first because it is quicker and easier, horses for courses and so on.

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Basic tools for basic music ! I’m gonna dedicate this babe to techno works :muscle:


I never gelled with the AR sound. I do like the fidelity of the DT though. The DJS-1000 is tops.

Roland’s stuff is solid to

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Sometimes it’s exactly what is needed right? :robot:


Yes ! Good’ol 4 to the floor kick, loads of overdrive and fast paced hi-hats. Just what I need on the highway :fist_left:

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Preordered on release. Manual now printed and SD card ordered. Can’t say I’m not excited!

Keeping the DT though, although it is a real shame I can’t get the drum samples I’ve recorded from my synths off it to load onto the TR-8S.


I agree that it would be better to have on board sampling, it momentarily was a deal breaker in my mind for a few days but I ended up preordering anyways. Once I get through putting samples on a card hopefully I’ll be flying and making music with them without too much worry.

Retailers ship dates are all over the place. Anyone know when this will be released? I read earlier in this thread, Friday. But that seems unlikely. Curious

Someone on GS said theirs was shipping today

No kidding! It’s almost as cheap as a nice, comprehensive midi controller. The Drum Machine part is almost free! :slight_smile:

Connect your ZipDrive to the SCSI port, load them into your PC, then send the files to an SD reader connect to the serial port.

Kids these days…