Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

Have you contacted Roland about this? Its a deal breaker if it can’t be fixed.

Damn… also the reason I sold my electribe.
Instant deal breaker for me too :frowning:

Whenever I see one of the new Electribes, I’m somewhat frustrated over the missed opportunity to make a real next level music box.

I totally get the feature set and the choices made, and I didn’t mind the menu diving much, but I just can’t see why cutting envelopes and fx between patterns ever would’ve been considered an interesting limitation. There’s a difference between leaving something out, and just not doing it well.

I know people make entire albums on these things and some just don’t mind, but that’s no excuse for sloppy implementation, especially when you’re touching on something so great.

So that was a bit off topic. Sorry about that.

I don’t think this was intended as an “interesting” limitation, but rather as development constraint.

Not cutting instrument decays and effects tails means you need to keep surplus processing capacity available and/or do smart stuff with voice stealing.

On the one hand I agree with that statement, on the other hand it’s not like you can switch effect type on a DSI Prophet 6 without getting a truncated reverb tail either…

Its a good point, that E2S was really close to a great machine. I’m sure Korg will be releasing a new model soon, let hope they get the balance right. If the Roland has the same effect clipping/not instant pattern changing it will flop with the hardcore musicians. I don’t own a TR-8s so i will wait to see if this issue is a reality.

Somehow, that doesn’t bother me at all on the Prophet 6. I guess it’s a matter of managing expectations. I wasn’t expecting the Prophet 6 to handle such things. I was expecting the Electribe to handle it.

Well, exactly. That’s why I was doing the “one the one hand … on the other hand” thing… :wink:

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Two little bits of extra info RE E2/ES2:
*** Electribe Sampler 2 and Electribe 2***

  1. The tails don’t cut if the next pattern has the same fx on the same slots

  2. It’s not just the fx getting cut. There’s actually a gap of silence between patterns. When I got mine I recorded the outputs into a daw while changing patterns, there a chunk of complete silence. Small but there

You gotta be effing kidding me. This pattern gap bs is freaking pathetic. Now, I feel like I have to cancel my order. Unbelievable.

wow, that’s totally unacceptable. No wonder they go for 250 euro secondhand.

Surely they tested this obvious scenario prior to release. Odd.

Also how would this even work if it’s a midi slave? Does it stay in time but cut out the audio? Or does it all go tits to the ceiling?

The TR-8 doesn’t cut out between patterns, so I’m sure it can be fixed. My TR-8S has arrived so I will test this today and report back.

I got a response from Roland on their FB by bitching hard about it in CAPS lol.

Here’s what’s happening


I extracted the audio from your video to check on timing, and there is no tempo drift, which could have been even worse.

There is indeed an audible fadeout (clean, but audible). No big deal for me, but I can understand why it’s annoying for others.


thanks for uploading! very poor from Roland.

Also, awesome noise from your speaker, I’m gonna sample that :joy:

This might interest people like me that won’t use the TR-8S in a 1 kit per pattern mode:

I guess there should be no gap with Sw:off while changing patterns.

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