Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

:slight_smile: I’m just the opposite. I try to only keep what’s actually being used on the table. And I need a more organic and natural setting. Plus I hate long cables.

I used one of the built in Triangle OSC samples. Created 5 tracks with the same sample, and coarse tuned them individually. You could probably just create 1, and then tune it per track, but then you lose the ability to use any other CTRL features.

Also MAKE SURE you have Motion turned on, if you want to tune steps. Even if you don’t apply it WITH the motion recorder, it will not play back without it on. This took me quite a few hours of frustration to figure out why It would keep playing the same note over and over again!

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Ok, thanks, good to know. I’m not shopping for one now, but if I’d ever get the bug for it, this part would be crucial for me.

How does TR8S compare with Electribe MX/SX SD models ?is it as good as the two Korg boxes combined ?----I would imagine that would be a fair boxing match?

While the mx/sx had awesome features, the sound of the TR is a lot better IMO.

I just finished my first track with the TR-8S and the new ACB tones do sound awesome, much better than the TR-8 I’ve been using for the last 4 years. The effects sound great too, loads to choose from and plenty of control. Definitely worth upgrading if anyone is on the fence.


Has anyone with an AR been able to do a general sound comparison against the TR-8S?

I compared my TR-08 and TR-09 ACB sounds (which the TR-8s uses) to the Rytm analog machines, no contest, the ACB sounds despite not being analog, have much more presence in the kicks, toms, claps, rim shots and snares than the AR, the AR fares more or less equivalent or better for hats and cymbals though.

I do not know about the sample side though as I don’t have an 8s, but I’d imagine the AR probably holds its own or may even be better. I have not yet experimented with loading ACB samples into the Rytm as transfer does not work with mkI and C6 does not work very well.

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I compared the two side-by-side and sound-wise there is really no question for me: TR hands down. Of course, this may be a matter of taste, I didn’t make any objective tests.

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Can’t do a side by side comparison. But I owned a Rytm. The TR 8S sounds better. Clearer. Crisper. Punchier.

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My Rytm is giving me the side-eye…


where did you hear about, that the 8s uses the 08 & 09 ACBs? a roland guy said in a product video, that the tr-8s uses the tr-8 ACBs … and not 08 & 09 …

Finished my first full track with the TR-8S. I’m loving it so far, great sounding drum machine and the effects are top notch. The compressor/drive effect sounds great on the 909 Kick. I used the 909 kit but swapped out a couple of the ACB tones with factory samples.


Very nice. Intense and powerful. All TR-8S, or are those flashing lights from them other machines doing more than just provide a cool backdrop?:blush:

The TR8S has new released models of 08,09 ,707,727 ACBs as the ACBs chips in this baby are more powerful so they tweaked the models to take advantage of this extra resolution. For better or worse only time will tell as more information comes to light on what they changed exactly. Im reading reports already that some users prefer the original TR8 models and others prefer the TR8S models.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

I used the MB-33 for acid, the electribe for supersaw and sub bass, the SH-01A for the other basslines and the JU-06 for the pad/strings (run through the MX-1 for a sequenced filter effect). The Digitakt was used for the Bomb sample.

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Well, lots of good things going on there, I really enjoyed this one. Excellent stuff.

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Thanks Andreas, where’s your music at?

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That’d be here:

A mix of the good, the bad and stuff in progress😊


Digging it! Thanks for sharing