Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

And more importantly, you don’t need all those parameters on the ACB voices, because with a few single controls, you’ve got the sound you need…unlike
with the Rytm, where you spend ages programming a single kick drum, only to realise it sounds like ass & you end up replacing it with a Roland TR sample anyway… :wink:


lol… been there, done that :joy:

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I do like a challenge… Once you got to that great Kick on the Rytm, or that warm pad on the A4, these sounds are truly yours. The Elektron boxes are the most challenging pieces of gear I own, and I like them for that. After an afternoon with an A4, every VST synth I own appears to be comfy like an old shoe.

Playing TR 808 samples is for cheaters, like shooting fish in a barrel.

I will buy myself a TR 8S anyway, and challenge myself by trying to program complex drones on it :wink:

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Making music with drum machines is for cheaters, like riding with stabilizers :joy:


Does the TR8S colour your samples at all. Guess without a filter it should not.

Nice post!

While I haven’t converted my wife to a full fledged fan of Techno, she does have an appreciation for it now. She has worked in fancy wine, cigar, craft beer, establishments for a long time. So I applied her sense and appreciation for the subtleties in those to Techno, and she got it rather quickly.

Did a little analogy comparison to the different notes in a nice wine or scotch with some of the subtle tonal or rhythmic changes in the music. She said “wow!”. It’s by no means her favorite music, but she gets why I like it now.

(I also referenced the Ratatouille scene where he combines the cheese and fruit :smiley: )

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It’s transparent (without filters & fx).

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You can layer more than one tone/sample on the TR-8S. Up to eleven I think.

Where do we get some Jomox alpha base samples to use in TR8S :sunglasses:

Yeah, you are right. Actually opens up a lot of possibilities, sacrificing voices for having more options.

I really have to fight an urge to try that damn thing out… I do not need another drum machine, but…


Can always layer samples in a daw first then transfer as one wav :wink:

You may find this handy:


Not the quite same thing.

The two voices layered in the machine can be controlled independently, e.g., have different velocity values on the filter env, or being affected differently by the LFO. It would be nice to know if the CNTL-Parameter can be motion recorded or P-Locked independently - can any owner here confirm that?

Would be great to have that option.

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Will try tonight. (I never felt the need to layer)


thank you.

While you are at it: which parameters of the sample engine can be set to CTRL-Knob. The manual seems to be a bit unclear - I’d love to modulate the filter env, but can not see whether that is possible.

Many regards,


Yes… but just to be precise, automation is not elektron’s p-lock style on the TR-8S: when you set a value for a step, the automated parameter stays at this value until another step is automated (or you manually change it).

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That’s how it is done, sadly, on the Novation Circuit as well. Good to know, thank you.

I’m on GearSlutz to - but I took a couple minutes before work this morning to cook up another idea. I’m digging the trigger outs from the 8S to the SH and AS-1


Haven’t upgraded firmware yet - is there an improvement in the trigger out behaviour? It was a bit hit and miss before ?

Not sure if looping has been touched on.
If bpm of a one bar loop is matched with TR8S does the loop cycle smoothly.