Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

No probs, I’m quite nitpicky about certain matters myself.

I was under the impression that you could assign the L and R inputs to instrument tracks in able to independently apply insert effects and different amounts of master reverb/delay to either input. I can’t find this in the manual though; am I mistaken, and this is not possible?

The master fx go the master output. Any sounds sent through individual outputs do not get processed by master fx. Insert fx per track still apply.

I’m trying to justify buying this when I already have the TR8. Just can’t do it right now!

What you get is a TR8 with much more flexibility sound-wise, so just ask yourself wether you need/want other sounds or not.

Sell and trade up :wink:

Tr8 prices are so low and gumtree is flooded with them , I still manage to coax out new mangled sounds when I turn it on though.
I like the buttons . Don’t have to be too careful to quickly fill all steps by sliding hand across them.

They released the step loop thing. Don’t think anything else is coming.

I guess the main thing I’m trying to figure out is if it is possible to use one input with a dry signal while only applying reverb to the signal of the other input.

You can’t assign the external inputs to instrument tracks, no. External inputs cannot have the track effects applied to them, they can only have the master effects and a few utility things like pan and gain.

In the utility settings you can choose whether you want the external inputs to come in as one stereo pair or as two mono signals.

In the kit settings you can control things like the sidechain source, pan, gain, reverb and delay send amounts for the external input signal.

I’m fairly sure that setting the inputs to 2x mono does not give you two separate EXT IN pages of parameters in the kit settings. I think they share the same pan, gain, fx send etc settings. Not 100% sure though, I will have a look in a minute.

Edit: just checked. Sorry, setting the external inputs to mono does not give you separate control over their sidechain/gain/pan/send settings. They are shared. That’s a bit of a shame.

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I did somehow miss the Aug. Ver.1.60 update. That is pretty fucking disappointing. They deliberately acted like they were crowd sourcing the update but then added one feature I’m pretty sure nobody asked for -_-

Really? Never heard of that… Is that something they said?

Here it is! Am I the only one that feels snubbed?

Not sure its a snub , its a tactic to market and try to continue to sell an old piece of hardware while marketing a new piece of hardware.

It’s interesting that the tr8 was claimed to be an accurate replication of an 808 , and then a quicker processor helps to make another ‘accurate ‘. Replication of an 808…

So the reality was the old one wasn’t accurate if it can be done again , or they’re wasting their time doing it again …
when they bring out another ‘accurate’ replication it just confirms all the previous ones were not very good …

I’m not sure Roland are a good example of a company where they continue to develop their products , fix bugs , add useful functionality within the limits of the hardware , if they even acknowledge the bugs and fix those it would be amazing.

Remember , they thought it was good enough to release the tr8s without ability to stay in sync when moving a few sliders . either they didn’t find that issue (poor QA when testing their devices) OR they knew and still released it (even worse respect for their audience).

I know they’ve fixed it , but from my position it seems like it took a lot of customers complaining before they became aware of it.

I should stop there , many companies are releasing broken hardware and not attempting to get ahead of the issues or acknowledge things , we’re left hoping that they can resolve it , hoping that the fundamental hardware has no underlying issue that cant be fixed …
Which leads to forums full of complaints , feature requests for basic things that should work and we shouldn’t need to request , shouldn’t feel the need to complain about on a forum .

Anyway , back to the original post , tr8 was lucky to get this little update , 2nd hand market is flooded with em all cheap , good condition , , Roland aren’t selling any , i don’t expect anything from them . We should be more critical of things before we buy and companies could do a better (although very difficult ) job of giving the community an idea of plans , respond to requests , acknowledge it bugs… novation seem to be doing well at this , hardware doesn’t seem to be bug ridden , updates are being done and some dialogue between them and the community gives an idea of what the limits are when considering some of the ideas.
But the community could also be more realistic about feature requests , suggestions , and expecting anything to be done… separately to bug fixes and promised features that are just not done/missing/broken. . I see many ‘feature requests’ that can be done right now in the current firmware , its just not quite implemented the way expected , or the amount of people likely to use it is very few … i’ve done lists like this myself , i’m not immune to it.

In a few years time , the TR8XL will come out with new improved 808 emulation , showing again how it could actually be improved and is ‘accurate’ , again , then again … making me think all previous version were not accurate.

Any chance you could re-upload these kits somewhere? They all sound great but links in the video descriptions are dead. Cheers!

Yes I let my webspace lapse. I think Synthtopia uploaded the files. Let me see if I can find the story.

YHere you go

I’ll update the videos with Synthtopia links (as they put them on their site without my permission I think they owe me that!)

Oh hang on, they have hotlinked to my link, I swear they had hosted them previously. If you message me your email I’ll send them to you

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Thanks, but the Synthtopia page is just linking to the same dead links from the video descriptions!

DM me your email and I’ll send you them

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Hello guys!

Now that this beast has settled into a few studios I am wondering if I should toss my Machinedrum mkii UW+drive and my TR8 and consolidate my setup.

What do you guys think?