Roland Wins Huge Lawsuit Protecting Their IP

Actually reading the article and understanding why they won isn’t required

Get the pitchforks out and mention behringer… get mad people… we don’t need no facts round these parts.


Well, vacuums are more of a necessity so not really a good example. It’s also different to be iterative than to literally copy. If Behringer made a synth that took the ideas of a DFAM or Grandmother but expanded on it, that would be different. But they are making the same thing. Even taking away that the company bootlicking morality arguments, like I said, it’s just boring. They aren’t adding anything to the industry. There are $300 synths out there that are innovative made by smaller companies, that’s the type of synth that someone should buy if they can’t afford a Moog. Not a cheap knock off. Otherwise get a plug-in. The Arturia Mini plug-in sounds
fantastic and for the same price as a cheap Behringer clone someone would have like 33 synths to use.

I don’t see how a product being a necessity makes the argument any less valid. But plug-ins are still just plug-ins, not everybody likes them, and for good reason. People like real-world toys to play with and get their hands on. In the current situation it makes little real difference anyway since Behringer can’t come up with the goods for most of what they are promising to deliver, it all looks like empty bravado at the moment… chip ahoy!

I think ive gotten to the bottom of this

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Let them eat plug-ins.

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I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.

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