Hi, I’m trying to route the midi sequencer from MID out to MIDI in, and am not getting any workable results. My MIDI sequencers are all set to the corresponding channels (Tr 1 = Ch 1, etc), I have my Audio Note In selected, and my Audio Note Out put to INT. Not sure what else I’m missing. Some notes don’t work, others cause strange, unexpected noises. It seems the Channel being affected isn’t correct. Does anyone have a step by step guide to get this to work?
Check the Midi spec pages at the back of the manual. Some Midi Notes are used for transport control and others activate Tracks etc. I found it practically impossible to work out by trial and error. If you are on PC, Midi-Ox or a similar program will help to see exactly what is being sent. (Or MidiPipe on the Mac).
may i ask why you’re trying to route midi out to midi in? polymode? doesn’t make sense to me…
^^ so you can for example use your midi tracks for crossfader and scene automation…
… not forgetting the Arpeggiator!
i checked the back of the manual and saw the note numbers corresponding to the different functions. i turned this off in the project settings, but still am not getting the expected results.
I’d share my knowledge, but your questions are too general. There is a lot you can do with physical midi return on the OT. The really interesting stuff (to me) requires midi processing: http://Hotoolz.tk
I’m not sure which settings you’ve changed but it’s not possible to change the Midi Mapping on the Octatrack itself.
If you are trying to play samples chromatically - you need to use Midi Notes 72 to 96 as per page C1 in the Midi Appendix of the manual.
Trying to play any notes outside this range won’t just not play a sound, it could also change the active track, start/stop recording, mute the active track etc etc. Once this has happened, the notes 72 to 96 may no longer produce the desired result, as you can imagine.
Have you triggered samples using an external Midi controller or synth succesfully?
Here’s a step-by-step starting from a New Project with all settings at default and a cable connecting Midi OUT to Midi IN. Don’t have the sequencer running as you do these steps:
Load a short Static sample into Slot 1 for Audio Track 1.
Press Midi to switch to the Midi machines
Double-press Playback/Note page to enter Midi Note Setup.
Turn encoder A to set CHAN to 1 and click the encoder to set it.
Press Playback/Note page again to exit.
Turn encoder A to set NOTE to C 5 (ie Midi Note Number 72)
Place some trigs on a few steps.
Now press play and you should hear the sample loaded to the Static Machine on Audio Track 1 being triggered.
Hope that helps to get you started - good luck!
word, much thx rikrak. i was sending notes outside of this range. good to know the note limit. got it working and am in the process of some seriously satisfying jammage
Hey y’all,
I swear I’ve read about this somewhere, but I can’t find it for my life.
Is it possible to use the Octatrack arpeggiator to trigger the internal tracks at all? I’ve read about someone connecting a midi cable from the out to the in to do it, but I can’t get this working.
Anyone doing this? Would love to know how you’re doing it.
Brilliant! Couldn’t find that little gem anywhere!