RYTM ambient machine

This is why I want a digitakt a and not rytmmk2

thanks, it definitely points me in the right direction!

The synthesis and individual outputs are a big bonus with the Rytm.


I would love to watch it. Not boring for me :+1:


Just picked up a RYTM to work on ambients. Some nice examples in this thread.

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Yesterday I took time to listen your complete work.
Nice work. My wife love it (I did’nt know she loves ambiant, thanks for the discovering)
So I really understand the way you did it. I did’nt thought to do ambiant with AR.
There is a gap between think the way to do and do it. You cross it with success.
You proove, if it was necessary, that AR is not just a drum machine. It’s a real instrument, like the other Elektron device. Maybe that’s why we love them.


Thank you, very kind words, glad the music was well received.

All Elektron boxes are definitely self contained instruments: multi-timbral/sequencers/FX.


luv it

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Had an opportunity to dig into the sound settings (luckily still stored with pattern). Uses BD FM and no samples. Here are the values:


  • 4:8 COND trigger once over 32 steps
  • LEN: INF
  • All other settings : ON

Multiple shorter triggers restart from existing volume/env level


  • TUN: -3
  • SWT: 0
  • FMD: 127
  • DEC: 127
  • FMT: 0
  • FMS: 0
  • FMA: 27
  • LEV: 127


  • ATK: 103
  • DEC: 127
  • SUS: 0
  • REL: 127
  • FRQ: 48
  • RES: 30
  • TYP: HP1
  • ENV: +20


  • ATK: 103
  • HLD: 127
  • DEC: 126
  • OVR: 0
  • FX/VOL: DLY/REV sends/settings to taste, med/high VOL


  • SPD: +32
  • MUL: 1
  • FAD: -34
  • DST: FMA
  • SPH: 0
  • MOD: FRE
  • DEP: +10.90

It’s the LFO doing the magic here (more LFO’s). With a bit of tweaking, this could make a decent bassline for dubstep/d’n’b, but that would be using the Rytm as intended :thinking: :shushing_face:


Ha, I was wondering how you got such nice long reverb, but you’re not using the internal routing. I’ve been using the OT to get extra LFO’s and some EQ, but then you can only choose reverb or delay on a track.

An Elektron version of an MX-1 would really be idea for helping tame the Rytm.

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The reverb on AR is pretty good (but not Lexicon good).

An Elektron mixer would be great (if it ever materialises), expect Overbridge support would be included!

Have used OT for additional LFO’s & CC control, but it’s a faff… also ran separate AR outputs direct into OT for processing, but while the results can be interesting, it’s not any better and definitely not as immediate as a mixer/dedicated outboard FX (p-locks aside).

The cognitive upheaval of rewiring/patching/setting up control changes on different boxes is not fun to create or use, especially if it’s being done just to circumvent limitations in the devices themselves.

I’d rather spend my time composing and recording and am gradually shifting towards simpler, self-contained instruments with more immediate interfaces or more modulation. For now at least.


If you haven’t try setting the reverb to pre on the distortion page. This puts the reverb pre distortion and compression, mess with those settings and it’s a whole new area of sculpting and can really increase the reverb…


Yeah, took me a while to figure that out. But it’s good advice to advertise for any Rytm owner!

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This one is just the rytm in combination with the amazing iPad app Collider.
Ok, just one additional (obvious) sound from abletons wavetable synth is playing along, but everything else comes from the analog part of AR. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for this, will try it out for sure <3

Here’s one i did last week. Mostly samples but 100% Rytm:


Really like this. Did you prepare samples on computer and transfer or sample on rytm and manipulate?

Nice to hear, thanks. I’m on Rytm MK 1, so i have to transfer the samples from a computer. But i don’t manipulate them with the computer, i really like to do that on the Rytm.

(The timestretch topic on this forum was a goldmine of sample manipulation for me)

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Can you point me to the timestrech topic you mentioned. I would like to try it.

Yeah sure, it’s here: Timestretch