RYTM Noise Floor

How to you gain stage? I’m going by the principle of setting it as high as possible as close to the source as possible. So src and amp all the way up most of the time and then adjust with track level. If I use overdrive I reduce the amp.

yeah that’s pretty much it, src usually full level and then I get the balance between overdrive/amp volume and finally track level if needed, I aim for around -8-6db for the kick in ableton and then I level the other things around it, that way I still maintain some noise but the recording sounds clean enough.

right now I monitor audio from the audio interface which gives me a pre-recording mixer so I can use it to level things while monitoring and still record with as high gain as possible, I actually just started using this way and still in process of finding the best workflow but I tried recording several things both ways and I really like how I get the audio from the interface rather then from OB.

anyway, like standingwave said, analog is the good, the bad and the ugly so the noise is there and part of the AR magic, imo no point fighting it, just try recording the same thing in several ways, bring it to final loudness and see what you like better…

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