Rytm Slice Mode

Yes!!! I’ve said this since I’ve purchased… why can we not have a mode that places the CHRO into a secondary mode, allowing us to use the 12 colored pads as assignable Sample Groups w. “start - end points” presets… I mean, I don’t think we can create “scenes” to do this… but it should have been an integral feature of the unit… because the automation—trigs—though very powerful— limits us to keeping track of complex slice options. It also slows down workflow. it’d be great to assign all pads as a “sample group” within a project. With a START/END point and that way, the unit only need to utilize one sample sound, but can trigger it by pre-assigned start end points and it won’t interfere with normal operations as it would be a sub level feature (Secondary Page option) by holding FUNCTION + MUTE + CHROMATIC mode (instead of going into a chromatic mode for a single sample track, it’d take you into the assignable start / end sample group). Each pad would then be able to hold the data for all start end points within that larger sample chunk.

My apologies if i’m not explaining this well… but hopefully it sparks some imagination on the Elektron Engineers for a future update.

I’ve attached a sample visual proposal diagram for reference.

Thanks so much!



In the feature requests page I proposed something similar, where the alternative to the chromatic mode would be a 12 variations mode, allowing you to lock parameters to each pad. Could be sample start/end, but also velocity, or filter settings. Hopefully they’ll implement something like this.

First thing for me would be better samplestart resolution though!


Another version of this is to take the total length of the sample and use an encoder to determine the number of slices using transients, up to twelve, and it will drop the slices on the pads accordingly.

I would go either way!

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I absolutely love this. This would change my Rytm workflow so much for the better.

Especially the more generalize PLOCK pad mode because I would also love to use this for custom scales.

As it is now, chromatic is handy but I can rarely play the melodies or basslines I want to play on a single page.

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Bumping this again hoping that Elektron picks this up now i finally have my Rytm


cough cough, yes please

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‘Pad Lock Mode’ should be a mantra around here. Let’s will it into existence.


If pad lock mode doesn’t come to Rytm, I have a feeling it will come to a future release. And then to be able to save your pad locks as sounds easily. Perfect workflow.


Pad Lock, Pad Lock

Not sure about all of you but if they make the rytm have the same thing they added to the digitakt, that checks the box for me

That wouldn’t be bad at all. I’d just make separate kits and create sample chains out of those one shots. I guess we would need to consider multiples of 12… :thinking:

I do own a digitakt and I’ve been having fun with the new OS. I still wish I could experience it with that analog sound, overdrive, filter etc.

Pad-Lock mode is my number one feature request. Even over that second LFO.

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I knew there had to be some sort of musical use for these things.


I think a slice mode without a fractional grid (aka things like 3.9 slices) is useless on a drum machine unless you limit yourself to only working with perfect loops or just non-rhythmic material. I’ve used an MPC 1000 for years and I pretty much never slice at 4, 8, 16… its always something like 5.2 or 9.4 because getting is a perfect end point when sampling vinyl is impossible. Basically unless you you trim the recording perfectly before you slice your slice grid is going to off.

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