Rytm tips and tricks

quality post

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thanks o much, i absorb all your posts :laughing:

yes lets get this topic going again :slight_smile: 2019!
more tips and tricks!


Indeed, Iā€™ve just picked up Mk1 and am loving my first jam on it!!

This thread is shamed by similar ones for the OT or even DT! :cry:


A way to mimic Ctrl-all for the Rytm:

You need a separate midi controller. I use and describe it here with the Octatrack.

  • Set all tracks of the Rytm (or at least the tracks you want to control) to the same midi channel.
  • On the Octatrack, set one or more midi tracks to this channel.
  • In the Rytm Manual take the general midi list and pick up the cc numbers for the parameters you like to control.
  • Now set up the cc-controllers of the OT Miditrack(s) to this numbers.
    For more overview i use different midi tracks for different RytmPages:
    midi track 1 - synth page
    midi track 2 - sample page

Thatā€™s it. You have Ctrl-all for your Rytm.
So you have for example the cutoff or the sampleslot or the synth decay of all tracks on one knob. You can twist thru all the parameters for drastic and spontaneous changes and then easily reload the kit on the Rytm.

This will also work for the analog four.

Have fun!


Cool. Wonder if you can do this with a MIDI loopback. Plug AR MIDI out to AR MIDI inā€¦

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Is this working for you controlling all 12 channels at the same time, filter cutoff for example?
When I tried this my AR would start choking if I turned the knobs too fast, it was on an older OS on ARMKIā€¦ Had to move to assigning the AR parameters to a performance pad and controlling thatā€¦
-Control All on Rytm

A thought I just hadā€¦ I wonder if you can just target 8 channels since 4 are duplicates? I wonder if that had anything to do with my midi overload? Canā€™t test, but will when I canā€¦

The AR doesnā€™t have a lot of input bandwidth. It will start choking if you send it more than handful of CCā€™s at the same time.


Thatā€™s right. You must be careful not to confuse him. I had a freezing while I twist to much, but general it works. On all 12 Tracks.

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That really shouldnā€™t be happening. If itā€™s really MIDI overload causing the freeze I would write out the exact procedure to reproduce it and send it to Elektron support so they can fix it. No device should freeze on MIDI CCā€™s, and def not a high-end one like this.


It doesnā€™t freeze necessarily just UI a bit unresponsive for a second, and this is when all 12 voices are set to the same midi channel, havenā€™t tested the same with all separate channels but I believe that works fine as per @JohnnyEgoā€™s axoloti patchā€¦..immediate Control of ALL Machines

But sure if they can get it to work I gladly acceptā€¦

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great stuff really enjoyed the post,
anyone know if headphones can cue up the sound on a track ?

prob not but i saw there was a solo which is great
maybe there is a cue ( listen to sound over headphones before sending out main audio out )

found a lil combo (if not mentioned already) that might be useful to someone:

in Mute mode, holding Function+track will arm the track(s) to be either muted/unmuted. the track(s) will then be muted/unmuted when Function is released butā€¦before releasing Function, pressing Tempo will allow to release Function with nothing happening; only pressing Function again will then mute/unmute the selected track(s) :smiley_cat:

Mute mode:

  • hold Function+select track(s) to be muted/unmuted
  • keep holding Function, press Tempo
  • release Function
  • press Function again when needed

tested on AR MKI 1.31


ā€¦and it works on the A4 too :smile_cat:


I donā€™t know if anyone needs to know this but the sequencer records live with swing active. So if you turn swing off/reduced it can get interesting.

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Can you expand a bit on this? I thought swing was a non destructive thing.

Itā€™s kind of like reverse swing. You live record (grid sequencing doesnā€™t affect) with swing active. Then reduce swing upon playback.

Or in another way : live recording at 60% swing will give you -10% swing to use.



Iā€™m sequencing my rytm with the arturia beatstep pro and I tried to check if parameter locks work while my dual vco track is trigged by this external sequencer. They donā€™t work. In fact every internal sequencer data is ignored while receiving midi on that track (at least on the same steps).
BUT!!! something else is happening which for me is an incredible feature:

The trigless parameter locks that Iā€™ve set become active for the whole running track when I hold down the step. <<

That means that every track that is sequenced by some other gear could have 16 additional scenes. Every one of them can be used TOGETHER with one of the regular scenes and is furthermore subject to one or several performances and/or velocity modulation.

Ok we need to confirm is this is due to a special Beatstep behaviour or if it works with other sequencers, too. I think it could even be a reason to get a Beatstepā€¦

EDIT: The behaviour is independent from the selected track. So if you parameter lock step 1 on track 2 and 3 (which are both sequenced externally) and then press it down both ā€œtrig scenesā€ become active. I think this is even more useful.


So if I understand this correctly, if you sequence a track externally you can hold any P-Lock on that track and the values from that P-Lock will be heard, even though the sequencer is not on that step?