Rytm tips and tricks

Does anybody use trigless locks at all with their Rytm? If so, what for?

used them a couple times for parameter slides

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Yeah, parameter slides, also works well to accommodate opposite trig conditions, like tellin the following step to mute on the 3rd of 4 bars and whatnot, sidechain pumping


That reminds me. When using the DVCO is there anyway to get portamento? I told the trigs to slide but nothing happened.

You have to use the tune parameter on the oscillator rather than the note.

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Whats the best way to fake a sidechain? Trigless locks with a volume parameter slide?

Trigless locks can trig one shot lfos as well, if theyā€™re not already in use

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That sounds a lot easier than managing p-slides. I guess one constraint is that you need to keep the track in phase with your kick track, assuming youā€™re sidechaining to the kick.

letā€˜s just hope the AR update takes so long because Elektron is porting Digitaktā€˜s compressor :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I wouldnā€˜t mind a one-button compressor sc ducking ā€¦ I seriously hate ARā€™s compressor ā€¦ no idea how to make use of it / make it sound good.


I read this recipe for pumping and overall shaping elsewhere on here. Apologies to the person who posted it because I have forgotten who you were:

  • set mix to 100% wet
  • start with too much compression: threshold, attack, decay fully down, volume very low, make-up high and ratio at max
  • adjust attack so the transients tickle pleasantly
  • adjust decay so the sound pumps with a rhythm you like
  • choose a sidechain configuration to suit
  • bring make-up back down to a sane level so you donā€™t destroy your speakers/ears with the next bit
  • bring the ratio down and the threshold up and adjust to taste - lower threshold applies the comp to more of the sound, higher ratio compresses more heavily
  • adjust make-up and volume to balance level and noise floor as suits

You might also want to try this recipe for parallel compression, for glue or more girth to the sound (in theory):

  • possibly follow the above recipe
  • or
  • set a short attack, a long decay, low threshold, high ratio to really smash the sound flat and crispy
  • pick a sidechain to suit (HIT or Off probably best)
  • set Mix to 12 oā€™clock (50:50 dry/wet)
  • set volume to a good output
  • set make-up so you hear as much of the compressed signal as you like

Hope that helps.


Iā€™m sure most people are well aware of this, but for me, using a exponential decay LFO on the amplitude alongside the dedicated envelope really helps me to dial in the exact decay of my kicks that I want.


How do you save tempo per song on the AR2? I have tried all types of combos of saves, but it keeps reverting back to a different tempo. My AR2 is running OS 1.60A.

You canā€™t save tempo per Song.

Save all the patterns in the Song at the same tempo.

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Iā€™m almost positive that newer OS updates allowed saving tempo per song.

Iā€™m looking at the 1.60 (mkI btw) manual, page 50 and Iā€™m not seeing it mentioned.

Still open to being wrong thoughā€¦

Hell yeah you can do Pattern tempo! @Meriphew Oh wait or are you talking Songmode?

The manual is weird about it though, I also canā€™t find it there. But hereā€™s a printscreen from the 1.60 firmware update list.

@Meriphew you figured it out already or should I check my Rytm how I do it? (I donā€™t remember, I do it without thinking by now)

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I sent in a ticket to Elektron inquiring about saving the tempo per song. Iā€™d swear that I saw that when they announced the OS update (sometime around 1.60).

Edited to show Elektronā€™s reply:

In song mode, the BPM will follow the Pattern BPM.
Press the Tempo button and press FUNC + Yes to set
Tempo per Pattern

Is it me or the /NEI in the AR works different from the other machines?

I never use those, are they choke group specific?

I donĀ“t know, I put 3 kicks in tracks 1, 2 and 3 with some polymetry and tracks 2 and 3 with /NEI trigs. The kicks in track 2 are triggered when the ones in track 1 donĀ“t, but it doesnĀ“t happen the same way with track 3.