@saint_stink's compositions on Analog RYTM

Another good one!

Do you use tons of sample/sound plocks+probability and/or several patterns? Maybe both but how is this one built?

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thanks sam!

basically everything percussive is sound plocks. most of the drums occupy one track with sound plocks switching between analog configurations and samples. sometimes i sound plock my analog kick with a sample plock to the 606 hi-hat or 808 clap or something like that so i can get two drum sounds at once. I even scoot some trigs with microtiming all the way to the next trig so it occurs right before a kick or clap, even tho the sounds don’t exactly overlap they almost sound like they occur at the same time (but this only sounds good with the very quick transient sounds like the 606 clave or analog rim shot). I probably had over 20 sounds loaded in the sound pool for this project. the melodic sounds are one-shot samps from the sound canvas vst that I programmed in chromatic mode. the oneohtrix point never sample starts about halfway through and thats a long 2 bar loop that i chop up with sample plocks using multiples of 15 in the “start sample” parameter.

I am a bit of a control freak, so i think i am allergic to the trig probabilities. I just make a lot of variants of a single pattern and cycle through them. Usually, the patterns are 4 measures long, but I occasionally make patterns that are only 16 or 32 trigs long. all the cycling between patterns is done in song mode which i love (lots of my mutes are programmed there as well). Typically, I tend to use between 15 and 20 different patterns (mostly slight variations in the percussion or melody) for one beat. I really love using the trig conditions tho. In the latter half of this beat, I set the flute line to trigger only when I hold “FILL” and the choir sample line to NOT trigger when i hold “FILL”. Some of the drum variations occur on the 2nd pass of the pattern (so the “2:2” trig condition).

edit: just to clarify, the one-shot samples were sampled into my rytm from my DAW using the Roland Sound Canvas vst. what i wrote could suggest that I was controller the vst with midi from the rytm (not the case!)


I like this idea!

Ok suhweet. I would want to do it many patterns in song mode as well if i was doing something as evolving as you. 15-20 patterns is immense!

As always thanks for the breakdown.

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Hi everyone,

I released an LP + samplepack on bandcamp!

You can also stream the LP on most streaming platforms (spotify, apple music, etc.)

It is 18 tracks of RYTM beats - the first 14 tracks were featured on the Saint Stink youtube channel as live performances, all except “Beyond this Meat Reality” were composed and performed solely on the RYTM. Tracks 15 and 16 are new songs also composed and performed on the RYTM. Track 17 was made for the short film “Flying Colors” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=769EL2-6Iv0&ab_channel=DevonDresback), all drums and percussion were made and sequenced on the RYTM along with much of the synth parts. Finally, track 18 is a house track composed and performed on the RYTM but supplemented by plugins in Reaper (U-he Diva and Repro).

Everything after track 18 on bandcamp is a sample-pack of sounds recorded from my RYTM that were used in the making of this LP. The samples may be used for any purpose.

By purchasing this LP, you also receive the bonus item of an Analog RYTM project file. When loaded into a Analog RYTM drum machine, the project file creates a project with 32 patterns on banks A and B, 126 samples, kits for each pattern with scenes/macros that I used in my youtube videos, and over 100 sounds in the sound pool. You can also load the song “Agenbite of Inwit” into the RYTM’s songmode - this automates the pattern selection and mutes according to the song on this album. NOTE: The project file extension must be changed from .png to .arprj in order to work - bandcamp does not normally allow the upload of .arprj files. If this does not work, email me at saintstinkmusic@gmail.com and I’ll hook you up.

Thank you! I really appreciate everyone in this thread and the encouragement I have received. I apologize to the people who have been asking for a proper release for so long - I am a very lazy person, so I hope the bonus samplepack makes up for that.


AFX Triplets has been living rent free in my head since the first time i heard it. I’m not kidding I’m caught singing that melody at least two times a week.







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@MichaalHell ha! sorry for that, but thank you. evict that lazy beat or at least get it doing some chores.

@circuitghost thank you! feels great to get an LP off my chest

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Really great stuff. the sample pack is a nice touch, too, some great sounds in there.

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Thank you, I am grateful for your support! Here’s to hoping you get some good use out of those sounds :beers:


Love it! Youve got some great musical instincts (instinks?)!

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Before I clean up my RYTM’s memory, I dumped some abandoned patterns into a youtube video. For some reason, I love seeing people’s unfinished work that they deem unsalvagable - probably says something about the creator that a polished piece cannot - so, in fairness, I want to show off my scraps too.