Same sound, different envelope behavior

Received data 2.syx (830 Bytes)

hi people, i attached a sysex with two sounds. both sounds are the same, but they don’t sound the same. goomy bass2 sounds as if filter env. depth is higher than 0 (but it is 0). when i increase filter env. release the sound changes. goomy bass3 however sounds as it should be, the filter env. depth is 0 thus adjusting filter env. depth doesn’t affect the sound.

i noticed something was odd when working with goomy bass2 and i replicated the sound from scratch, copying osc, filter etc. pages, saved the sound as goomy bass3. the replicated sound sounds as it should but the original sound doesn’t. what might be causing this?

This question makes me wish we could share sounds really easily to/from overbridge.

We could simply compare screen shots and hunt down the issue quickly, but more importantly we wouldn’t have to faff around with C6 and the midi dump on the A4.

can’t we share sounds via overbridge? never tried that. about two months since i got the A4 but i’m still a noob.

by the way the answer to my question was about velocity mod. in the original sound velocity was set to modulate filter env. depth so even when the filter env. depth was 0 on the filter page, as i hit a note the velocity modulated filter env. depth to a positive value. that’s what was causing the difference. when i replicated the sound from scratch i didn’t replicate the mod settings so it sounded a little different.

performance knobs will also do this so watch out there too

The depth for some modulations is a 14 bit value (16k+ resolution)
Whereas the display only shows the most significant byte part of that number which is the familiar 7 bit range expressed -64 to 63 or 0 - 127 perhaps

The finer resolution permissible in this depth setting is sent in the Least significant byte part of the message and is shown on screen as a dial marker spinning between integers

The upshot is that there is a range around 0 where it will reaad 0 but it could be 6bits off either way (64 fine steps)

The way to know it is zero for sure is when you see the dot in the middle of the graphic

Pressing Fn whilst you twist the encoder will snap to this value

Ps. I didn’t look at presets, i’m having a guess at what it may be, this could apply to any modulating parameter and as ever as mentioned above check out the macros etc

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