Sample Upload Time: >4 hours?

I am uploading 58mb and it is already 4 hours and still 30% left.
Is this normal? C6S is set to turbo and i am using USB. The only thing I notice is that I cannot check in the turbo mode option on the Rytm but it seems this happens to more people… But is it really turbo mode working?

The sampling side is meant for single shot samples, not so much long tracks. Welcome to the world of “limitations” that artists so much love to work around :sob:

I am uploading synth hits like chords and stuff 1 mb max, anyway I love limitations :slight_smile: but I just want to know if everything is working properly here… still dont get why I cant check in the option “turbo” on the Rytm midi config menu…

Well yeah it’s 10 times faster then regular midi.

There is a tip for speeding up the transfer in Cuckoo’s 1 hour Rytm video. Some MIDI settings that need to be changed.

:astonished: hope you’ve finished by now :slight_smile:
my guess is that it has to do with the TM-1, the manual mentions that when selected, the speed is selected automatically which makes me think that the AR will actually check if the TM-1 is connected, if not, it will default to standard speed

That sounds as grueling as loading samples to the EMU SP-12 from a 5-1/4 inch commodore drive. Welcome to the future.

Hmm, have you selected USB only on the midi in and out settings inside Rytm’s GLOBAL settings?

I followed the Cuckoo´s video so I have the same MIDI config as him but with the same size of samples his uploading I get exactly 10 times slower than him so no turbo :frowning:
So I have only the the Input from and Output to set to USB only mode and the Autochannel is off (I tryed also with differnet channels…)
On C6 Config I have turbo limit on none and the rest is the same as I saw on the tutorials on how to load the sample packs from Elektron.
The C6 and the Rytm´s firmware are the latest.
I am starting to think that my computer, a 2007 macbook, is too old and maybe the USB is not working properly… tomorrow I am gonna try with my flatmate´s computer to see how it works…

nah not the macbook; its just shit and slow sample send over midi
also crashes a lot, this is buggy
elektron should just move on - its time, seriously, its time to let the turbo midi thing go
kill your darlings, use the blue pencil

I don’t have a RYTM, but I’ve gotten much better results in C6 from setting the delay ticks to something above 0. The higher you set it, the longer the transfer, but the actual transfer time is way less than estimated. Usually above 5 has good results, although above 10 is better in my experience. Just go make a cup of coffee and check on it after.

It may not fix it, but it’s worth checking.

OK so I tried with a 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook with 4 GB DDR3 ram running MAC OS X 10.6.8 and it works perfect. It is exactly 10 times faster than mine.
My computer is a 2.0 Intel Core 2 Duo with 4Gb ram DDR2 and MAC OS 10.7.2 and is weird because all the midi controllers seem to work fine.
Also I tried different delay settings and it goes slower.
I recently upgraded to 10.7 from 10.6 so that might be the problem but I dont remember how it was working before :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

the issue is categorically not the potential of your computer !

the issue is categorically not the potential of your computer ![/quote]
Yeah, I also think that should not be a computer potential problem but I think is not the Rytm or the C6 software because in the other computer I used the exact same configurations on the Rytm and C6 and even cables and the turbo works fine…


Yeah, as I explained on the post after that one I did it and it works perfectly on my flatmate’s computer but in mine it doesnt so there is something wrong with my computer I guess…

…i’ll need to give this a try (again) 'cos i remember i couldn’t set the turbo speed on my AR, it wouldn’t stay checked :expressionless: and didn’t try again setting the MIDI ports only to USB because i thought it had to do with the TM-1…well, this changes things :slight_smile:
question (hopefully not dumb :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) is: why should one activate/deactivate the turbo speed on the AR if it negotiates the speed automatically? is there a specific reason for that option to be there? or could that simply be something which is always on and you just forget about it?

My understanding is that the AR side Turbo button is for DIN connections to other devices with which it can negotiate a speed, be it the TM1 or A4 etc

To get the faster transfer speeds you use the Turbo button and tick Top two sds related checkboxes too in C6, make sure Midi I/o is USB only

Works fine for me, no need to check the uncheckable Turbo box in the AR

I also think now that the turbo mode option on the Rytm´s CONFIG menu is working when you use TM1 or maybe DIN connections but not with USB.
Anyway my computer has Windows installed via Bootcamp and I tried C6 with it with the same configuration and it works quite well :slight_smile: so it has to be something with the MAC OS X that I didnt fresh installed it so could be somehow corrupted. I am gonna try a fresh install tomorrow and see how it works…

Confirmed: I tried in my computer with a fresh install of Snow Leopard and now turbo mode is working :slight_smile: I think since my computer is old (2007) the Mountain Lion I installed last week does not work very well on it.
So thank you all for the help and greetings !!