Sampling on OT isn't that bad

That would be a nice addition, I agree. But you can always use record quick mode (trig mode HOLD) without quantization and press the rec button and hold it as long as you want to sample. In the audio editor you can easily trim the first silent part when holding func so it jumps to the first zero crossing of the sample.

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Yes true and I do use that it’s just no so great when my hands are playing an instrument.


It’s quite possible to use MIDI foodswitch control for recording I think, something I want to try at some point.

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Track + Rec buttons is my favorite way to record.

With QREC with PLEN let you quantize rec to the beginning of the pattern, so you can be tied to the pattern, without rec trigs.

I don’t use one shot rec trigs anymore, except if I want to record several tracks at the same time. One shots are a bit risky, because ARM ALL or ARM REC TRK depends on OT mode.
In normal mode, Grid Recording mode you can’t arm one shot rec trigs. I wouldn’t use that in live situation.

Funnily Track + Rec buttons doesn’t work in Recording Setup mode, Grid Rec on.

Octatrack isn’t finished, and will probably never be.


Possible with defined RLEN, or recording a power of 2 length.
Otherwise the tempo is messed up.

I can’t see a possible use of Pickups without defined RLEN, too risky for me.


Good idea. Tried it today and works very well. Thanks.

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If you have the sequencer running before you start recording with the PUM this doesn’t happen.

I’m starting to move back to flex machines for a new project but I was using them almost exclusively for the last two years and there are some things pickup machines are really good for that you can’t do easily/at all with other machine types.

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It does change tempo even with the sequencer running, unless you define RLEN.

If you don’t want to define RLEN You can use QREC to match tempo but you have to record a power of 2 number of bars, otherwise it changes tempo.

Tempo changes also happen with slaved Pickups unless you have set master Pickup to sync to the sequencer (Track + Tempo).

Randomly you can’t overdub.

Overdub and tempo match being not reliable, hard to see Pickups real interest, maybe the fade out mixed in the loop…
Ah, there is the monitoring advantage.


I use a Logidy UMI3 footswitch and Kenton Midi USB Host mk3 for this. Works very well. I have 2 switches to move up and down through the tracks and 1 switch for Recording AB. Flex Tracks. Pretty easy to set up. A Morningstar midi footswitch would probably be even better but, they’re expensive and last time I checked, they were sold out.

Right, yes, forgot aout that. I’ve been using the same project for almost all of my PUM stuff since about 2020.

This happens if you change tempo while a PUM is playing and then try to overdub. If you stop the PUM playback and start it again it will go back to wroking normally. Not ideal but I think I can count the number of times it’s happened to me in the last 5 years on one hand.

Not working with external clock is a bigger deal, but nothing in the OT works that well with external clock (it’s just easier to overlook with other machine types since PUM recording is the only thing that has really severe issues, with other machine types it’s mostly clicks). It would be nice if they were more consstent but the advantages outweigh the problems for me.


I’m not sure to have change tempo because it happened with a slaved pickup, with master pickup sync to tempo.
I will pay more attention next time…

There might be other things that cause it but that’s the only thing that has made it happen for me - if I change the tempo while I’m recording with a PUM it gives me a DUB ABORTED error, and the only way to be able to overdub again is to either stop the PUM and restart it, or stop the whole sequencer (it’s only happened 2 or 3 times for me and I honesty don’t remember which one ended up fixing it - I’m pretty sure I didn’t have to stop the sequencer but not 100% sure).

Anyway, I find them really useful, they’re a great way to build up a seamless loop that you can use in flex machines, the control scheme works really well with a MIDI footswitch. Being able to modulate the direction with an LFO while recording is really handy, and for me being able to lower the gain so that the repetitions of the loop fade out is realyl important - if the OT didn’t have a way to do this (on a single track without workarounds) I don’t know if it would be a deal breaker for me, but it might be.

But I hardly ever prepare any audio in advance and do all of my sampling live (I guess going for a This Heat 24 Track Loop sort of approach, even if the sound is totally different), for a different workflow PUMs might be completely useless. I hardly touched them at all for at least the first year I had the OT and there was still plenty to do with it of course.

Lately I’m working on a new workflow where my inptu goes to a pair of pickup machines and then the stuff I record there kind of cascades down into four flex machines with timing offsets and pitchset up in octaves and 5ths so that whatever you record in the flex machines creates its own counterpoint that changes as the old PUM loops decay. Not a super complex idea but it works really well.


Octatrack is difficult to setup, but easy to use afterwards.
Thats my observation…

Thats why I have a preset project, where part 4 is my recorder (t1 = a/b, quantized, t2 = c/d for ukulele…), part 3 is for beatmaking and resampling that).

It’s very versatile, that comes with initial complications.
But I honestly don’t know another box with that small footprint that does similar things.
Akai perhaps…
Or a laptop with audiointerface and controller of course.


Oh, and it’s stereo.

Too bad about the sound quality.



its so bad in sound quality mimimi

i can’t do my lofi crackling dirt grind hop on it :smiley:


44.1khz :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

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I think we can all agree it has at least four bits too many, and we paid for bits we didn’t want. Ideally we’d be able to remove those bits and send them back for a rebate, but I suppose that ship has sailed.


You took 4 bits of my life and I want them baaaack

Vim and Octatrack in the same thread; checks out! :laughing: it does seem like both were developed by engineers on LSD, which explains their beauty.

I’m a hardcore vim user and the OT might be my favorite instrument of all time. I wonder how many others there are out there.