Sampling Threshold or workaround?

OK this is one thing which is frustrating me, on my old MPC I can do threshold sampling so when it hits a peak then it starts recording or on the mv I can tap a pad to start recording when I wish.

However, on the OT I have to quickly juggle pressing play and then record at the same time, which is always off as I can never get it in sync. Plus I’m restricted by the short duration the flex recorder can sample so can anyone help please. Is there something wrong I’am doing?

You can assign a one shot trig to a 4 bat loop. this means when you hit play it automatically starts recording (if you place the trig at beat one/bar one)

There’s isn’t any facility for threshold trigger (which I agree is a cool feature of the akai’s - even my old S950 did that)

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agree its def best to use one shot recording trigs for things your recording live
with practice you can set it up, and have almost 4 bars before it starts recording
the one shot is important because otherwise the next cycle will re-record over what youve just done…

Can you explain how please, english isn’t my first language and I don’t have access to my manual at the moment.

I appreciate it if someone can help.

I typically set QREC to 16 and use the recording quick mode to cue up the recorder prior to playing whatever I’m going to sample. I leave the recorders in ONE2 so I can just punch out when I’m done.