Stumbled across this today. I don’t have a touchbar MacBook but thought some of you guys & gals might and looks fun. Seems to have a lot of the functionality of the awesome Samplr iOS app.
And its free!
Stumbled across this today. I don’t have a touchbar MacBook but thought some of you guys & gals might and looks fun. Seems to have a lot of the functionality of the awesome Samplr iOS app.
And its free!
Thanks for posting this. Gonna try it out.
Good to know about this! Cheers.
I was talking to my friend about this yesterday - I saw something exactly like this before but I heard it was a proof of concept rather than something you could actually use…
Edit; looks like a demo only according to the link you shared. Hope they eventually make this complete.
Wow, Samplr’s Marcos Alonso is also behind Björk’s Reactable and a few other things…
Hats down.
and thanks for the free Samplr for Mac
Ah bummer it’s only a demo, I don’t have a MAC so couldn’t test it
I’m glad you posted this.
I played with it some last night. It blew my kid’s mind.
It froze on me a few times.
But more importantly it reminded me that I have been too lazy to really learn Samplr for iPad, so I got into that again last night. It really is a great app.
Honestly, it’s the simplest, most intuitive and flexible sampler I’ve ever used! I miss it and Borderlands. If I could have those two apps on my MBP I’d be set… And apparently we can on M1.
I’d heard that through work recently. a nice bonus to be able to run mobile apps native on a Mac.
I’m not due to upgrade any of my personal devices for a while though…
I’m not arguing with you - but I keep forgetting what all the icons mean.
Just an indicator that I need to buckle down and familiarize myself with it more.
probably 1 or 2 hours will do the trick.
that will be my focus this week
Seriously? Is this true? How?
Yes there is that, and I kept forgetting too when I had it! I think there’s a little question mark or something you can click for explanations of what the modes do. Sometimes it’s nice to not have a clue what you’re doing though.
Yep. Not sure about Samplr and Borderlands specifically but M1 Apple Macs/MacBooks are capable of hosting iOS apps such as these as VSTs. Not sure of the details as I don’t yet have an M1 device but for example you can buy Animoog Z in the Apple Store on your iPad and use it in Ableton Live.
Whether an iPad app can run on a Mac is up to the developer, I guess.
For example, I can not imagine that FabFilter developer made available on the desktop effects that are much cheaper on the iPad.
But I also don’t have M1 hardware, so I don’t know how it is in the case of Samplr.
This is correct. The developer must set a ‘flag’ to allow the app to install on a M1 Mac.
Some apps like Drambo, Model 15 are working on a M1.
The problem is that IOS apps are developed for touch screens.