Hi guys quick question.
If I want to mess around with a pattern and completely change then reload the pattern can i save the pattern on its on or do i have to save the project then reload project.
Copy the pattern a few times to other patterns? There’s no undo function, apart from reload that i know of.
You might enjoy Merlin’s guide, specifically his bit on using parts as “basecamps”. Basically though it sounds like you should open the parts menu, save your part and then go wild. Reopen the parts menu and reload your part when you want it back.
You can copy the pattern (Function + Copy) before messing around, and then past it at the same location when finishing. I think one have to stop the sequencer in order to do that. There’s an other way to do this, discussed here :
That’s good advice. The trigs and p-locks are stored in the pattern, and the parts can change machines, scenes, FX & track volumes