Saving things

Eureka moment :wink: Seeing the whole forest is difficult when you’re in it. Looking at all these comments on this thread, it appears that the idea that it is harder to unlearn something when learning something new is certainly based in some reality! Now I get it - and yes, it is simple - once you forget how things are done in other workstations when it comes to saving and storage.

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BTW (just for your information): beware, that unless you use “save project” nothing is really saved to the +drive, but still only kept in RAM. So in the case of a crash or if the internal battery dies or any other reason which corrupts or clears the RAM state you may loose your changes …

That is the BEST info EVER! Thanks. I didn’t have time to really think about that - I just got my A4 a few days ago. So assume the best thing to do is just save the whole project in the +Drive, correct?

Yes. The other so called “save” operations are, IMHO, just for temporary use (save+reload during performing and similar).

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With an A4 it’s still important to save your kits as you go along.
If you make a lot of changes to many kits without saving each as you switch to another, saving the project will only store the state of the last kit you tweaked. Patterns save automatically when you switch them, kits don’t.


scince im not using my ak for percussions so much (or crazy lots of sounds in one track) i am not really using the kits much. if i want to make drastic changes on a sound i just save it in +drive. works perfect for me this way. never felt like the sounds changed too much wehen i got back to a older pattern but i am also used to ms 20 and eurorack and i am just using my own sounds on the ak and do a lot of stuff from scratch cause thats how i like to work!

really love the sequencing on the ak :*

I’d like to save money. Is it possible ?

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New A4 owner. Am I correct thinking that kits don’t auto save, meaning I can fuddle with them for a live set then when I load the project again it’ll be back to how I saved them?

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Answer to the second part of the question: yes. Load the projoect reloads to how you saved the project.
Other things regarding kit ( auto) save : it depends and is complex ( kit reload on change checkbox for example). But if all you want is reload the project the answer is yes.

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