Scene trouble - help please

Just purchased my new OT. Slowly getting to terms with it.

Something strange is happening and not sure what I did wrong. I can create different ‘scenes’ but as I create the diff locks to each scene they are engaged to the opposite side of the crossfader. Not only that - the bottom on the screen where you can see the scenes + fader, it is represented by the opposite of where the crossfader actually sits. For example as I move the fader to the left, the screens represenation will show that it is moving to the right!

Furthermore I still don;t quite undertsand how parts work, I know they are there and I can have variations which I can assign to scenes etc… but … would love to have more clarification on this and the parts interaction with scenes.

I’m not crying, just something in my eye

thanks in advance

Congrats on your OT!
Regarding the fader. Contact support and they´ll help you out!

Parts, well I´m not the right person to clarify their use. I´m not even sure that I´ve grasped them myself…

Hello there,
To my knowledge… there is no way to “flip” the fader… so left should be left… and right should be right… I do know there is a test-menu on your octatrack.

on page 141 of the manual (weirdly enough page 153 if your reading the pdf in adobe reader) it wil talk about “early startup menu” … this will contain some testing routines.
I think (not sure) one of the tests you can do is a button/fader test…
doesnt hurt to have a look there…

the nice people at hq are very helpful… so i do recommend sending them an email.
they will sort you… it might make it easier for them, if the test-mode spits out an error.

sorry to bring you bad news (wel sorta) … I would have prefered it, if i could say “yeah, its that setting… it flips ya fader”

good luck

wouldn’t that be just a matter of assigning what you have in scene B to scene A - and the other way around?.. maybe I don’t understand your issue correctly though

Will try the early start-up menu.

Thanks for the quick replies…

Just wish the manuals gave you better or more context as to the functions, ahem lost in translation. You’d think I would know better by now as the OT is not my only Elektron box.

I will stop complaining as of, now.

You may complain… it sounds like the left-right fader problem, is something to complain about :slight_smile: I would… the nice people at hq will help you out with that.

I do agree, the manual is eh “tricky and technical”
do the testing… write the support ticket… and hope its something easy.
I do think the fader is something that you could easily replace with new part when broken.
makes me wonder, if you can put it in reversed by accident (which might happend when they build it)

Ask them… dont start by opening up your machine yourself… i think that voids waranty
except, when they ask you to do it yourself.
good luck

Yeah - I got a very quick response from HQ.

Seems like it was a firmware set-up anomaly. In test mode you can adjust the crossfader to act in the opposite direction.

All good now

Smiles all round

Hooray :slight_smile:

I did not know, you could reverse it in the test-menu… thank you for sharing…
anyway: Enjoy your machine and all that… its groovalicious when you get the hang of it…

have fun

I have the same problem.
How do you do it in a test mode?