Scored a mint Yamaha QY700

Yeah I’m aiming to use it as a service with patterns permuted by chord progressions whose expression in instrument choices can be modified interactively, if that makes sense. I’m hoping not to resort to external synths as I like portability. The method above works ok but you still need to program the chord sequence and there’s some instrument number code that automatically resets the instruments at bar one every time, erasing your selection. Must be a way to delete that but sigh. Next thing I’ll try is Set Local Off and make it play itself via a midi cable.

Oh Local Off I think will only switch off keyboard not pattern internal control. Only hope now is that if I turn down Patt in the Song mixer and connect midi out to midi in I can make the pattern midi play on normal song instrument tracks. Then I’m in business. Also there’s a way to stop it transmitting xg program change codes too. Just need to… Find a midi cable.

Ok done. Victory ish I think. Settings as in the pic following p222 of manual. Cable from midi out to midi in. I can now change all instrument parameters for any playing pattern while jamming chords. One thing to note, in the song mixer page, mute mutes internal midi track but not incoming midi data so you need to mute on faders to cut out channels in the pattern. So this makes sense if you’re doing it, not if you’re reading it. Enjoy…

(This approach works fine but the instrument settings disappear when you switch off. I’ll try things like recording notes on the target channels to see if that fixes the instrument assignments in the song memory, if not I’ll try reading about msb messages or whatever they’re called, some special class of annoying instrument setting message you can enter in list edit mode for a sequence.)


I had a QY-70 and QY-100…

They were so cool and fun, but I couldn’t understand how people could use the step editor and jobs without getting frustrated!

Must be some kind of flow state …

I’m now pretty cross with the device. As far as I can tell every time you change accompaniment pattern in song mode it sends out a load of xg program change messages over midi even tho “xg Parm out” is set to off. I can’t see how that’s not a bug but that can’t be the case, I guess I’m missing something.

Have you got a parameter for programme change out apart from the XG parameter setting?

Not out, but in. I’ve set it to filter incoming PC messages. However from a diagram in manual I think that filter is applied for incoming midi to sequencer but not, weirdly, for incoming midi to sound module.

I don’t get easily annoyed but this is a bit maddening. Something is covertly modifying all instrument settings. Last chance is I find time to study manual and try to work out how to assert instruments myself with some codes entered in song track step editor that can override whatever is happening.

It feels like it would do this when connected to an external xg/GM module which can’t have been tolerated, so something must be fixable.

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Pretty interesting post here !
Thanks @previewlounge for all this info !

I’ve just got a QY300 to sequence my old 90’s Akai samplers and synths, which is FUN ! :sunglasses:

I’m currently testing the step record mode (of a phrase), but can not get any midi data out when i scroll through the notes of the sequence. This way, I can preview the internal sounds, but no midi.
Is it the normal behaviour of those sequencers ? Does the QY700 behave the same ?


OK ! Got my own answer, midi out can’t be output from step record mode on QY sequencers. A bit of a shame.

Also starting to dig into phrase / pattern / song structure which is really liberating feature compare to classic loop based sequencer a la Elektron. :fire: :fire:

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Got an almost mint one as well. Great to have found this thread! Still trying to understand the structure of the whole machine. Quite intense on the menu-diving side I found so far with all the sub-menu’s, sub-pages, special pages etc…

The RM1X is closely related to the QY700 and uses the same phraseology and basic structure so it may be worth hunting out some RM1X tutorials or reviews? The RM is more immediate than the QY in my opinion (and both aimed at different end users at the time) but then I’m biased; I’ve got two and used them both for years before discovering Elektron sequencers. I recently scratched the QY700 itch myself having lusted after a new one when I got my first RM but I’ve not used it much

I’ve had the RM1X . I haven’t gotten far with the qy so far, but they feel quite different to me. Of course there’s the same job menu and other UI concepts that mirror. But QY700 seems deeper, yet less immediate. And much more advanced in the song arrangement section.

Don’t have them next to each other these days as I sold my RM1x. But so far QY seems like a different concept alltogether for me!

Ok I’ve been using one for some months and have a question.
What’s the easiest way of moving events (notes, cc’s…) from one place to another in song mode??
So far I could only use “copy event” job. And then manually erase the original using “erase event”. Which is rather tedious.

I can’t think of another way of the top of my head? I don’t know of any shortcuts? If it’s a phrase you’ve already used you can always select it into the new section. It should appear as a USxxx from memory? That might just work in pattern mode? I’m trying to remember, I’ve not used the QY for a while but that was the case with the similar RM1X

Thanks Bunker. I’m talking Song mode and referring to the song tracks, thus not the pattern track or the phrases in the pattern section…
Might be that it just can’t be done differently

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