Screen replacement RYTM MKI

Two cables? My display came with a cable attached but it had blue plastic end with an adjustment screw. It didn’t look like a power cable. There was the two pins at the end of the display that solders to the board. Not sure if that is what you are talking about. My original Display did not have the cable with teh adjustment screw piece.

Yeah sorry, I mean the pins. Yes this one comes with a brightness potentiometer. The original has fixed brightness. The 2 side pins are the LED power.

These are the pics I took of the “black” one installed

Its a bit darker blue than this one

OK Thanks.
So mine is not backlit like yours and sellers pic on reverb is not either. I wrote him with my issue and hope to hear back soon.

Didint he send you his pics for installation guide? Here they are, just in case you see something odd:

No directions but it’s just a direct swap out so didn’t need them. I have power to the display and everything works except for no backlighting making it impossible to see in low light conditions so I’m assuming the display is defective.

Do you remember which direction to turn the screw to make it brighter? clock wise?

I think Clockwise, but either way you should already have a backlight working on it. Either it is defective or something happened to the AR board in the display light power area. You can check this bridgeing the two pins to the old display to rule this out. If it lights up it’s because the new display is defective.

If someone has a link to a compatible screen, available nowadays, that would help. Anyone ?

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this is the part number.

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Thanks !

oh yea, it needs to be the 3v version which is hard to find (the reverb seller uses a modded 5v version)

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Does anyone know about replacing the screen on the MkII?
I have a Rytm MkII and the screen is cracked. The OLED works fine.

it depends what your “forever” reference is.
yep sure, but has been used 4 times in 3 years. Thats rubbish.
I have Pultecs and other processors here which are 40 years old with minimum maintenance.
In the Pro world, we like to think “forever” gives us a few more years of service.
Strange logic mate.

Hi guys. I’ve been reading this thread trying to find out the correct screen for the AR MK1. I found this one:

But I’m note shure if:

  1. I need the 3.3V version
  2. I also need the 1x20 pin header

Thanks in advance!

I tried their 3v version and couldn’t get it to work. The pinout seems correct and the back light lit up, but never saw any characters on the display despite any contrast pot tweaks. The footprint is also slightly smaller so the mounting supports don’t line up. I’ve used several of their other displays for 3 or 4 other synths and they’ve always worked, but this one just didn’t work for my Rytm.

I ended up getting a replacement direct from Elektron. Contact them via support and they’ll sell you a replacement for a reasonable price.

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Hi, the display has dimmed in my AR MK1, contrast adjustment does not help. I can’t find anywhere on sale the recommended Electron Winstar WG12232A-TFH-V#A 3.3 volts. Found in China Winstar WG12232A-TFH-V#J 3.3 volts. The difference is in the last letter “J”. The Chinese says that the difference is in the chipset used. I have doubts about compatibility. Does anyone have experience replacing it with the Winstar WG12232A-TFH-V#J 3.3 volts model?

Buy it direct from Elektron if possible - will be around the same price as you’d pay elsewhere (£10 + postage)

And did the Electron have Winstar WG1223A again ? As far as I remember, it was said here that Electron sold out all the stocks?