Screws rusting on Digitakt

try not to leave any sweat on the screws when you’re done – so maybe wipe it off before putting it away in your wardrobe. Sweat is bad because it’s a bit salty too.

Could always check humidity in room to with a cheap meter -

Def some big issue with your room, its not normal. I’ve had it for more than a year and it looks good as new, I use a cover too just against the dust.

I had the exact same issue with my OT Mk1 last year. I live in Michigan. Took it to Hilton Head late spring and set up outside a couple times. Noticed the screw rust after that weekend clearly from humidity outside/ac inside. Have not noticed any rust on my other gear that hasn’t traveled like that

Elektron support has replied and they are going to send me some screws for replacement. They acknowledged it may be an issue due to the climate and also mentioned they may use stainless steel screws on their machines to prevent this in the future. They also assured only the screws, not other parts, should be affected.

I have bought some moisture absorbing packs for cameras as a temporary solution until I move into my new studio later this year. If that doesn’t work, I think I will get a dry box with a hygrometer.

This is a wonderful community and thanks again for everyone’s suggestions and advice


hey, I find my DT had the same problem as you.
Except having a new one (I dont want to be charged with another shipping fee), I would like to know does soda and brush solve this situation? I am afraid of harmness of detergent might casue the color fades. Thanks!

look for a special product to clean rust. Like some oil for pruning tools I guess.
I would try FELCO 980 | FELCO SA.
If your room is too wet, use a dehumidifier De'Longhi | Dehumidifiers | De'Longhi UK

Edit: It may be a bad advice, test it to be sure it will work. Remove the screw and test on it. Do not apply on electronic parts.