I am trying to send a midi pattern in the C0 upwards range (which triggers the 16 track instruments), triggering the AR MkII from Cubase to use the AR MkII as external sound module for Cubase recording. The midi out channel in Cubase is 10.
Within Cubase, I have the classical pair of one Midi track and one Audio track (the latter is connected to ARs stereo out).
In Rytm MkII the port config is set to USB in and out and to “receive notes”.
But whenever I set the channels for the AR Tracks to 10, most tracks are triggered at the same time (with the exception of the second pad row from left and the upper left pad and their tracks). Does the Rytm not recognize the different note values on channel 10???
Only if I waste one midi channel for each Rytm track, the playback works as it should. This is different from anything I have used so far.
How am I supposed to record into Cubase this way??? Of course I can’t waste nearly all of my Midi channels for one drum box: that can obviously NOT work, while other channels are needed for other instruments? And I definitely also don’t want my Midi rythm track scattered over 12 channels.
Can anyone point me to a solution I might overlook?
Why the does the Rytm input not recognize different note values on channel 10?
Or what else might be wrong with my settings?
I’m not sure that I fully understand the problem, but I will take a guess.
If you want to trigger all the AR’s 12 track Sounds from one MIDI channel, you need to send MIDI note numbers 0 to 11 on that channel. Because there is no agreed specification for note labels (as opposed to note numbers) some devices label this note range as starting from “C 0” while others denote the lowest note as “C -2”.
If Cubase labels the lowest note as “C -2” use that instead of “C 0”.
Fuller explanation is given in the “MIDI NOTES“ section of the AR MkII manual (page 22).
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That can’t be the problem:
a) I recorded the notes into the Cubase track right from the ARII’s pads: so they must be the right notes
b) most of the track instruments are triggered, but at the same time, regardless of note value.
The BD midi note triggers snares and cymbals as well, so does the snare etc.
Just went through all the settings again, set them back and forth, set Auto channel to 10 as well, Performance channel to 1 and FX channel to 16 (to avoid any trouble on channel 10), and suddenly all was working as expected.
No idea what was going on there. Hoping it stays like that from now on.
Thanks for the help effort, Peter!
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But not for the specific purpose of triggering all the tracks on one channel for which Peter has explained all you need to know. The lowest 12 notes on any given Midi system will trigger the twelve tracks irrespective of channel as this is how the AR drum rack has been implemented by Elektron to avoid the need to dedicate multiple channels
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I don’t understand.
The midi notes I played in from the ARII were recorded correctly into Cubase:
Bass drum as C0 (=C-2 in Cubase terminology) and so on, the next 11 note values upwards.
As far as I understood, this is the range where singe ARII track instruments are triggered.
Now after reentering the ARII Midi Config settings, all seems to work as expected (don’t know what went wrong in my first effort and caused the simultaneous triggering of notes on many tracks):
a) I can record the bottom 12 note range into a Cubase midi track 10, and
b) on playback the same notes (and no others) are triggered in the ARII.
Am I still missing something?
not sure - I thought you were recording notes into cubase which were in the chromatic input range, whereas the notes required to play a kit on one channel are remote(lower) from these - but either way, it’s working