Sending LFOs from Octatrack to Mutant Brain

Hi there, I would like to send 4 LFOs from the Octatrack (2 LFOs from midi track 2 and 2 LFOs from midi track 3 for example) to the 4 CV outs of the Mutant Brain. Can someone guide me through the process?

Welcome !

Depending on lfo modes, you have to place trigs to trigger the lfo.
Should work in Free mode without.
Select the right DEST (CC1 for instance).
Select CC1 control change target in CTRL1 Setup. Validate with button press.
Activate CC1 with Func + corresponding knob press.

I don’t know Mutant Brain, I guess it needs CCs messages.

Sending UFOs to Mutant Brain…

Great movie name !