Sequence RD8 from the Rytm?

Hi. I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to use the Rytm and its new midi out feature to sequence a Behringer RD8.

As far as I understand, the RD8 responds to the following notes on the chosen midi in channel:
Bass Drum 36
Snare Drum 40
Low Tom/Low Conga 45
Mid Tom/Mid Conga 47
Hi Tom/Hi Conga 50
Rim Shot/Claves 37
Clap/Maracas 39
Cowbell 56
Cymbal 51
Open Hat 46
Closed Hat 42

Is it possible to set the Rytm to send all tracks on the same midi channel but without different note values?

If you’re using DIN MIDI you could use a event processor:

This will allow you to change the notes coming out of the rytm to the notes required to trigger the relevant sound from the RD8.

it would work but it costs half of the price of the RD8 :cold_face: I was hoping to do it without extra device…

Can’t you set each midi out to the same channel On the rytm?
I think you can change the note for each drum on rd8 too, but I haven’t tried yet.

As usual, probably quicker to download manuals / midi chart than wait for answers
Doing that will probably answer your next question too.

I’ve never done it but you can change the midi channel on each track, I would assume you can change them all to the same channel.

yes I know how to output all tracks on the same midi channel but how can i change o which note value comes out?

Have you tried setting different trig pitches using chromatic mode? (I don’t know if this works by the way, it’s just a suggestion.)

The NOT value on the Trig page…


@HBL ever got this working? I’m thinking of testing this myself when my Rd 8 arrives. Cheers

I think I remember I made it work once… but I’m using the RD8 own sequencer for now… works for simple things…

For anyone else trying to find this out:
On the TRIG page set the NOT note value for each RYTM track to the RD8’s desired note value for each instrument. The range of NOT is -24 to +24. This may not reach all of the RD8 note values needed. Maybe you can change the RD8 note values?
When you change the NOT value it changes the pitch of the synth/sample in most cases. So compensating by adjusting the tuning should solve that.
Set the MIDI channel for each RYTM track to the same channel in MIDI CONFIG -> CHANNELS