Sequencing question -

since last night i’ve been discovering the sequencer in Advanced mode.

i have 3 tracks “finished” for one particular chain that are 32 steps long.

my 4th track i’d like to have as 64. as i’m sequencing this 4th track i want to
have the first page repeat over and over until i’m ready to move onto the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

is there anyway to do this ?


also having trouble clearing a factory pattern. say i’ve made a 4-track pattern for A1. when i go to chain up A2, instead of getting an empty bank to work with i get some hip-hop-sounding drum pattern.

i try to hold Function + Clear, and a box pops up saying "Clear Chain’, but the pattern stays there no matter what. do i need to turn off some Global setting ??

just discovered how to go through the Bank Groups and listen to all the factory presets. pretty cool, but i don’t really want them there…

i figured it out !

hold Function + the Bank Group # + Clear. :kiss:

seems like i can also hit Function + Play (clear) while a pattern is playing… :dizzy_face:

still there must be a faster way than just doing each one one-by-one.

i’m destined to be the most-hated forum member here.

not quite sure what you were solving there - but i thought/hoped you meant you could clear a bank with a key combo - no luck with the combo you suggest which does something else to Accents, but as an improvement of sorts on what i’d been doing i figured you can clear multiple patterns in one go … tip like so …
Press(hold) bank
Select(hold) multiple pattern trigs
(it’s okay to release the bank button after you hold 1 or more trigs)
select more patterns and then
Press(hold) clear until the countdown elapses
you can clear about 8 with two hands no bother :wink: