Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

That’s exactly how I think about the EaganMatrix. Actually, it doesn’t sound necessarily fantastic but it just feels fantastically expressive and sits surprisingly well in the mix, not trying to dominate anything unless you let it.

Thank you for the great post!

It’s safer not to “need” any new gear when finding your enthusiastic posts in certain topics :grin: I’m thankful for the discovery of the Blackbox though, a major game changer for me. :pray: I think I can manage to resist the P12 for now.



I can mostly talk about it vs the Waldorf M.

P12 implementation of wavetables is kind of somewhere between peak and hydra, they are quite simple like peak but you are actually picking a few waveforms to morph between like hydra. A lot of the complexity comes from modulation options and character options. Waldorf M has prebaked wavetables, the ones there are all time classics you can also load user tables but you don’t need to.

Workflow is amazing on the P12, it really is what set the bar for all modern synths imo. You do have to work a little to get character into the oscillators and P12 is a bit of a sweetspot synth, sometimes you aren’t in the sweetspot at the end of designing a patch and there isn’t much you can do about it other than scrap it, if you aren’t close enough to a sweetspot.

Waldorf M has a weird workflow, not nearly as intuitive but it has a huge sweetspot, even reaching into its deep corners seems to always yield something worth saving. You don’t need to put in work to make it sound good, even just adding a little release to the init patch sine wave sounds amazing. imo you just get equaly deep results faster despite the workflow as you aren’t chasing sweetspots.

Both are fantastic. I’d say Waldorf M has more in common with the Polyevolver than the P12 though, a certain rawness to it that you can’t really pull out of the P12.

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Well there is one thing sort of like a P12 - a Pro 2!

I’d still like to get my hands on a P12 desktop; the Pro 2 has shown me how much fun those oscillators are.

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He sounds a bit like Billy Bob Thornton.

I can say that fm sounds like accurat, when you modulate an E tone with an A, the result sounds very stable, only if you drift, you start to hear the tone disperses, and it sounds more real than a dx7 or fm8 vst i can compare it to. I would never sell it.

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Linear FM was probably the best thing they could have added to this synth. It’s still one of the few “on my list” synths. We’ll see if I ever end up with one, but it’s always been one of the most intriguing to me.