Sequential Pro 3

It’s funny how my attitude towards the Pro 3 evolved from “Good on ya, Dave! I’m still gonna get a Subharmonicon and DFAM for crosspatching w/ my Matriarch” to “You know what, I think I’m gonna get a Pro 3!”


Somebody just asked about the Pro 3 bass, coinciding with J3P0 getting his funk bass on

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fkkn fnky

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I’ve been seriously considering getting Pro 3 lately. Does anyone know if you can program the sequencer while it’s running? Example if I have it synced to Octatrack, can I have Pro 3 receive clock and transport and enter in steps while it’s running or do I need to stop the sequencer to enter steps into the sequencer?

Do you still have it almost a year later?

I sure do. I’m still just as happy with it as I was when it was new, maybe more so in some ways.
It’s the mono I reach for most often unless I want total chaos, in which case it’s the evolver. Not that the pro3 doesn’t go there too, it’s just that the evolver seems purpose built for that level of insanity. They make a good pair too.
The pro3 is one of those synths that is deep enough to be over the top without ever feeling like it. Even if I have the matrix mostly filled and several lanes of sequencing running it still feels easy to control and play. Great keybed too, I wish my hydra keys felt as nice.
Could it be better? Sure, what synth couldn’t? I’ve heard folks criticize some of it’s feature count related points but I’ve always found work arounds for those when needed or (gasp) made the rare compromise here and there. I keep an expression pedal and a sustain pedal hooked up to it as I feel it benefits from the extra real time control and they can be used in a pinch if you run out of lfos or envelopes.
It hasn’t completely killed my monosynth gas (probably incurable) but when a feature from another synth tempts me I find I can often approximate it on the pro3 if I think it through. I love the sound but that’s obviously a personal thing.
I never really use the moog style filter. It’s my least favorite of the three by a long shot. I’d happily give it up in exchange for other features but that doesn’t sour me on the synth at all, I just use the other ones.
It might not be a synth that seems like it would be such a winner on paper but when it comes to actual regular use it is for me. But I’m a long time sucker for hybrid synthesis, modulation matrices, feedback, well integrated sequencing, extra physical controls, and great feeling keybeds. Something pretty damn amazing would have to come along to replace it.
Right now I’m trying to find a good case it as it’s probably going to be coming out to gigs with me. Anyone have any recommendations?


That’s fantastic to hear! I found an almost new SE for $1700 and the deal alone pulled me in. Don’t get me wrong, I had done a fair amount of looking and mulling it over.

I thought that I was out of room but I was able to squeeze my MS20 FS into another spot after some slight adjustments and I have room for it now. Might arrive tomorrow if I’m lucky.

If I love it, I can ditch a few of my other small keyless monos. I’ll be living in a dream synth world with all the gear I swapped and sold over the last month.

For that price I figured it was an easy one to make my money back on if I hated it too (great excuse). Also I still have enough I’m selling to cover the cost anyway once it sells.


Nice. That’s kinda how I buy gear too. Selling binges and lurking in the shadows for deals.
The se looks really nice. I have the standard edition since that’s what I found a good deal on first…and I’m a cheap bastard. Honestly I like the look of both in different ways.
Since you mentioned the ms20, that’s something I would add to my stable if I happened across one cheap enough. One of the all time greats and a completely different sound than the pro3. One of my band mates has the mini and I get to borrow it for a while every time I fix it for him, which is often. I imagine the fs is sturdier.
I might be remembering wrong but you have modular gear, right? The pro3 seems well suited to integrate into that. I haven’t gotten too far into the cv in/outs as I’ve managed to stave off the eurorack bug but I’ve controlled a couple of modded monotrons with it. I would imagine you could do a lot with a proper setup.


I also am that way. Every few years I seem to do a huge sell-off of gear. It is a nice cleansing for the soul and creativity. I am almost due in fact.

And I have been interested in the Pro 3 for a while, so it is great to hear that people are still loving theirs. I see one in my future at some point. So keep those reviews coming, good or bad.

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I got the MS20 FS (green) for $800. Basically a lurking deal like above. It definitely sounds different than anything else, it’s a keeper. The keyboard feels cheapish, the rest feels solid. I’m assuming they went for as authentic as possible. The keyboard is probably like the original I would assume. It’s not horrible but not great either (keyboard).

I do have a bunch of modular as well. It’s currently put away while I sort all of my regular and semi modular synths. I plan to start filtering it back in to augment my semi modular stuff and probably the Pro 3 as well.


I think that is one of the things I like about the Pro 3, is its CV ins/outs, connected to that sequencer, and back in with the choice of 3 filters. It seems like it would integrate very well.

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I’ll have it within a cables length of the Matriarch and 2600 as well. It might be a while until I feel the need to filter the Eurorack back in :joy:


That is what I am talking about! I also own and love my Matriarch. The two seem like best buds…from very different upbringings—the start of a synth buddy comedy show.


I bought the clown car edition specifically to remind myself not take things too seriously (also I just like the colors).

So this is definitely the beginnings of a synth buddy comedy show!


The clown car edition is where it’s at! Now watch me pull a quarter from behind your ear.


Wait, that works better when I don’t announce it first.

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It’s okay, I was still surprised and impressed!

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Re: ms20 fs keyboard vs original. I’ve played half a dozen or so originals and the keyboards left a lot to be desired if compared to modern offerings. It was not the selling point. The keyboard on the mini is particularly awful, and not because of the size. I have tons of casios in my shamefully expansive collection with superior keyboards.
Anyway, $800 seems like a great deal.


My guess is that it’s quite similar to the original then. It’s pretty light plastic and it’s fine for an MS20, but I wouldn’t want it on a synth that you played expressively with the keys.

Life just wants me to buy a bunch of synthesizers.
As soon as I started offing boatloads of gear the deals just started popping up for what I wanted.

Thank you synthesizer overlords, may you reign supreme for all eternity. Metal be thy cases, may your thick sounds wash over me and bless me with your mod matrixes, Amen.


I’ve had my Pro3 for almost a year and I can say without a doubt that it’s my favorite synth of all the synths I’ve ever personally owned or played. Especially with how well it plays with my eurorack. It’s so much fun to play, sounds great, and I find it a constant draw of inspiration.