Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

stumbled upon this broken trumpet sound today with some osc sync + fm and a few mod slots

and a nice lower bass sound for the sake of comparison/because i think it sounds cool


Nice sounds! And unique too!

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thank you. i recently discovered that song ‘Inside Out’ from Martin Dupont and have been playing it nonstop. I just realized that may have subconsciously put that type of sound in my head when i was programming that patch

Sometimes the best patches on this synth are the most simple patches. I love the dynamic articulation in this one. Clean attack to blossoming mushy fuzz brass according to velocity

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Not my cup of tea musically, but I pretty much enjoyed the tone of every single sound of the P5, while I didn’t particularly like any T5 example. As if it was done on purpose… :upside_down_face:


I had a similar experience, I know the T5 sounds better than that so I’m not really sure about the clip, but I do love my P5 to smithereens…

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The P5 sounds have that wooly quality that I’m used to hearing.

I don’t think he made the T5 sound like a steaming pile of poo or anything but I prefer @Encephalitislerthargi’s broken trumpet tone to any of the other guy’s.



Yeah, the Take 5 sounds really out of tune in this demo.


in spite of not having one yet, I think the take 5 is going to be as ubiquitous as the microkorg to a lesser degree, it’s going to be just about everywhere. I wish they made an all white version


I agree. The 08/Rev2 made it into a bunch of studios and live rigs, and I think this one will do the same.

In general, I think manufacturers should be doing different color schemes to change it up.

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i 100% agree with this and @HoldMyBeer’s sentiment. the rev2 seemed to take a while to gain popularity. i think james blake & rival consoles were using the p8 early on, but by the time people started paying attention, the rev2 was out. i could be wrong

but i do feel that the take-5 is going to be as popular as the microkorg once people start to catch onto how much it can do/how insanely good it sounds

i’m still hoping they make a desktop version because i dont have the courage to chop off the keyboard myself

yeah there’s definitely something strange about this. the synth uses smart calibration or whatever and it learns over time. something about building calibration tables specific to temp and the specifics of your unit.

but also i find that mine sounds better when i play it with a launchpad. i think that’s because by default, the pressure mod is set to filter cutoff and the filter settings have such a wide range that i dont think its a good idea to assign an arbitrary amount to the cutoff right off the bat.

there are a lot of factors. i think the main point is that you can get such a wider timbral range from the t5 than with the p5. they both have a good core vco sound though

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yep I think a desktop module is such a good idea that they must have thought it would cut into the sales of the full synth, they will probably milk it for a little while

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Yeah, it does sound pretty out of tune, especially some of the early patches in the video. I think maybe they tried to compensate and make it sound too vintage by either hitting the pitch modulation too hard, or the vintage knob too hard.

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I recently received a Take 5. Really happy with my purchase this far! However, I’ve quickly read through the manual, but wasn’t able to find any info on how to set the degree to which the velocity controls the envelope amount, when the velocity button next to the envelope is activated.

In other words, if I activate the velocity button next to e.g. envelope 1, is it possible to set how much the velocity will affect envelope 1 amount to e.g. filter cutoff?

Yes, it depends how hard you play.

Velocity On/Off: On, Off—Allows key velocity to influence filter cutoff frequency. If on, the harder you play, the more the filter will open and the brighter the sound will be. If off, key velocity will not affect the filter. This control allows for more touch-sensitive sounds.

Edit : or do you mean different Velocity curves


Thanks for your answer! I do understand the concept of velocity. What I wonder is if it’s possible to set how much the velocity will impact the parameter that the envelope is routed to.

Isn’t velocity a mod source in the matrix? If so can’t you set an amount there? Sorry, I’m not near mine right now.

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Yes, doh! I had missed that! :slight_smile: Thanks!

So now I can select Velocity as a destination, amount (0 - 127), and finally source Env1Amount.

Tchu: Velocity curves was not what I had in mind originally, but it can absolutely also be used in tandem with this I reckon! Great to be able to scale the velocity, instead of using it to the max. This makes it more usable for me when playing.


Ah well at least you’re sorted now!

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