Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

I don’t know how it sounds in person, but I probably listened to most youtube demos of the T5 and wow moments have been very rare to me.
Different with some other sequential synths.
I have to try one, it’s the perfect poly for me on paper and price


If you get the chance try one in person. I think it sounds better in the flesh than many of the demo’s I listened to before I got one.


I’m 95% sure I’m getting one in a couple of months. Some of the demos are very cheesy but it’s what you do with the tools that counts. The core sound is phenomenal to me at least. That’s what counts.


Yeah, I’d ignore nearly all of the YouTube demos. I’d never have bought a P5 if I relied on those! Cheesy as hell.


I mean the core sound. The cheesy stuff I ignore anyway
But yeah, have to here it in real world


i recommend trying it out in isolation because it’s an extremely more than capable synth, but when I tried it out next to a P5 there was no contest

you definitely have to try it in person. i believe the core sound will blow you away

that’s interesting, because next to every other synth i’ve played, it was no context. but i never played a p5, so im sure i’d love that one


my relatively inexperienced take is that the take 5 can get you in the same ballpark as the p5 in a smaller package with way more modulation possibilities, stereo out, and effects that are okay for way less money.

edit: i own a take 5 and p12 but have never played a p5. i’d like to compare patches between repro-5 and the take 5 sometime soon, though.


Exactly. Balls to the elitist view of you must pay north of 3000 notes for a ‘real’ Sequential.


trust Dave

I firmly believe that the Take 5 is going to take over the legacy of the Microkorg the way people are buying them and selling them these days, they’ll be everywhere just like the MK and they will be one of the great used market deals and probably a modern classic

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I REALLY wanted to like it. I’m a big Dave Smith fan. I have all 3 evolvers, Pro 3, Pro 12 desktop, Pro 2 (I sold that), Tetra and the Prophet 5 v4. I got this and was really underwhelmed. I didn’t really enjoy it at all, and much preferred all these other synths, and the Prophet 6. That was just my experience with it, I was expecting to like it way more! It just didn’t do anything for me, through I’m very glad it exists and I hope others are loving it!

I sold my P6 and got the Take5 and never regretted it. Of course I am not a “synth guy” who makes synth music… I make House which is mainly sampled, but I love having a few great synths for fat detuned pads and chords and leads. The Take5 has so much easy modulation that it makes those sounds really easy to dial up. The best synths I have tried for this under 2 grand are the Take5, Deepmind and Rev2. They all really do a great job at making huge, detuned chords. The main reason is to really get there it takes a good amount of modulation and thats where the Take5 separate from the P6 for me. I can modulate so many things and thats what make the chords unique and interesting. Plus the detune/vintage knob. Its just a deeper synth if you want to take classic sounds to new places.

The other thing is that when listening to a synth in isolation, its not in a mix and that really is a big deal. You could chain 5 Moogs together and make giant chords, but they are a huge pain to mix. On YouTube, I am sure it would sound rad solo’d but if you want to make records, you will have to cut out a lot of lows and low mids to make it work. The Take 5 just fits right in a mix with zero effort and I love that about it. I made some massive chords with the Deepmind and thats a great synth too, but I had to EQ the hell out of it after the fact sometimes if I went too crazy. The Take5 just sits there and doesn’t need much EQ or processing. I love that.

When people say it’s no contest compared to something else, I have no idea what that means. Did they make a brass patch and decide or what? Personally for me, the P5 would be a classic synth to own and super cool but I’d rather have a Rev2 or Take5 for the sound design capabilities. The P5 would be like a classic guitar. I’d really really enjoy patching and playing it of course, but I don’t need to spend that type of money on a synth for the music I make.


Agree with this! Fwiw I don’t record any music or even make electronic music. For that purpose, this might be just the synth a lot of people are looking for!

I’m sure the take 5 is in it’s own in comparison to the minilogue xd, however does anyone own both and have any thoughts? For me I enjoy the ballpark OB sound of it, though it isn’t in that realm overall, and I’m sure it would be the same probably to the overall tone of the take 5, but I could see myself one day either getting it or going all the way with the OB-6 and just keep the xd for it’s character.

Take5 sounds a lot better to me than the minilogue. A lot. I had the xd. Nice little synth but the Take5 is on another level. The minilogue is a steal for the price though.


I have XD and T5 and comparing them doesn’t really make sense to me though I get why folks want that comparison. They are massively different in terms of sound and build quality. I really like both of them for very different reasons.
I’ve played a P5 (as my mate has one) and they are amazing - I can’t afford to buy one and wanted something like it and the T5 does it. I was (seriously) very surprised by it and still am. Like Jorb I am kind of astonished that they’re not flying off the shelves.
For those of you comparing it to the wealth of other Sequential synths you may already have or have owned I really don’t get what your gripes are. It’s as close as you can get to a P5 in terms of sound and in a very good way.
I must admit when it was launched I watched demo’s I thought the name was awful and it sounded ‘whatever’ - that really put me off getting one but I took a leap of faith and tried one out and it’s a keeper for me!


no one called the T5 cheesy, from what I can see via the thread search, everyone who used the word cheesy was referring to something else than the actual instrument itself.

That said these are only opinions

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oops… good that you pointed that out. Maybe I thought it was cheesy before I got one :wink:

Yeah, I would have thought that, just like a Moog to a Minibrute, they both have their beauty, but the Moog is gushing with it.

It makes me excited at the thought of one day getting an OB-6, though it’s a high price for me, I love that vibe. The OT is my ultimate sound design synth and everything else for music, and the OB would be my ultimate analog palette, but the XD gets their in degrees and gives me the digital voicing to boot which gives you in a sense a wider palette.

Just bought one :grimacing:
I will report back if my music turns cheesy now :sweat_smile: