Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

you should go for it - it’s a great synth even without the update!
I am currently checking out a pro 3… when I look at the sequencer options on that thing I really wish they would implement that or something similar on the T5. Then it would be a mind-blowing no brainer.


It’s official now. I don’t know if it’s the same as the Beta version or if it adds new features?

they won’t be able to keep a desktop module of this in stock if they put one out


The Lo-Fi FX wasn’t in the Beta.

the only additional feature from the beta version is a lofi effect which is pretty much just a wow and flutter with some adjustable overdrive from a “virtual tape deck”

using two slewed sample and hold lfos (or even just lfo 2 since it’s per-voice) to several destinations via the mod matrix instead of using the lofi effect frees up the slot you would otherwise be using for the high pass filter which i think is (subjectively) kind of essential for a “lofi” sound

i was hoping the “drive” would be some kind of emulated tape saturation but it just adds some grainy static to the top of the sound

so it’s pretty much the beta with a bunch more presets- not complaining though the take 5 still sounds amazing


I wish the Overdrive was a Destination for modulation.

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yeah that would be awesome / didn’t even realize that it’s not

the drive that’s in the lofi effect can be modulated though- if the effect is active, fback/misc would be the destination

and all of the distortion parameters can be modulated as well

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Awesome! My favorite synth got even better.


they will never put one out

why do you think that

because it is already a small form factor and they don’t seem in a rush to get below the 1000 usd mark for any of their devices

has anyone here installed this firmware yet? does it wipe the existing user programs/require reloading any packs?

the new presets are available separately from the firmware update

i installed the firmware and my user programs are fine but am apprehensive to try uploading the presets without backing up my patches

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Do we get access to the new preset slots (not the presets themselves, just the slots) with the firmware update, or do we have to install the new presets to access them?

you still get all of the new slots with the firmware update

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I’m really excited for this update as I hadn’t installed the beta. The extra patch slots are much needed, and all the other stuff looks great as well. How are people liking the lofi effect? Sounds like it could be great for a synth like this. Man, I love the T5.


It’s a shame the hipass requires a mod slot rather than having its own knob like the P12! Have been seriously looking into this synth but that’s one thing putting me off


yeah it’s not ideal especially because i find myself using the high pass filter pretty often which immediately sacrifices the effect slot

the effects overall are pretty tepid besides the reverb which i think sounds actually really good (but that might just due to the take 5’s core sound being fed into it)

like i said before the lofi effect is pretty much a wow & flutter that can be produced pretty easily on the synth by other means- i personally would have preferred a high pass filter within the lofi effect instead of the additional “tape drive” which (in my opinion) doesn’t sound as nice as it should on paper

i love the synth though and use it all the time / it always blows me away when i step in front of it after using digital gear for a while- it definitely has that sequential magic

the only thing that concerns me about it is the build quality (besides the fatar keybed which is awesome)- a lot of the knobs on my unit barely latch into the centered grooves and feel for lack of a better term “soft” and “mushy”- they also feel like they might get sticky after a few years of use

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Geez, this sounds so good with the Take 5. I dismissed this pedal because of lack of controls on the reverb, but I’m thinking this might be the only pedal I would need with the T5 and it would free up the delay spot on the T5 for other effects. Pricey but sounds great.

The lack of controls also means less likely to get lost in trying to dial in effects. The simplicity might actually be a plus as what’s there sounds so good.


I don’t know, it sounds lovely but I’m not sold on it. If I understand correctly there is no way to change the time/size of the reverb…