Setting up Digitakt in a Hybrid Midi/USB setup with a Mac

Hi all,
I have a Digitakt connected to a Arturia Keystep, and then am pushing the Midi thru to a Quadra splitter. The splitter heads out to a couple volcas and a Roland SE-02.

I have the Digitakt connected to a Mac via USB. A couple other pieces or gear that I have also connected to the Mac via USB are a Drumbrute and a Roland A-O1.

Is there a way to connect route the Midi controller’s commands through the Digitakt and then also through the USB to control the Brute and the A-01? I have Logic and Mainstage as well as some MidiPatchbay software that could maybe help?

Is there a better way to connect all this than what I am currently using? (physically with USB or Midi Cables or via software)

I’m new to my Digitakt, only have a week or so under my belt with it. I’m loving it so far and looking to learn how to more effectively use it with my other gear.

Thanks in advance. I’m learning a lot by lurking and reading here.

No ideas or assistance? I can definitely use some help.

I swear I have read the manual… I’m new, but this just doesn’t seem a really obvious configuration to me.

Any help at all is SOOOO appreciated.

My setup is similar. I think you probably need to get familiar with Logic’s MIDI environment for routing the MIDI from the Digitakt, controller, and DAW to the right places . I use a channel splitter in the environment to send the MIDI data to the right places (there’s probably a better way to do it, but it works for me).

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