Setting up MIDI OUT with Analog RYTM MK2?

Change the value of the NOT (note) parameter in the Trig Menu on the track.

Thank you. That did it!

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Ok everything is going well. I made a pattern and it triggers the Vermona, which is great. But I made another pattern and when I switch to that one, it just plays the RYTM and does not trigger the Vermona. Checked my mutes, and all the settings and nothing seems to have changed. Any idea why this could happen?

When I hit the pad, it triggers the Vermona but the trigs do not. I deleted tham and tried again Still no dice there.

EDIT - SOLVED - I have to hit Func, plus trig and enable send MIDI each time I do a pattern. Ok no biggie, just need to remember that.

I want to try out the new sequencing function, is there somewhere a tutorial how I could manage this?
My plan is to make a sequence with the Rytm and use it for my minilogue xd synth.

Hope this is now possible and I donā€™t misunderstood something wrong regarding the last update for the Rytm.

Apart from normal MIDI settings in the GLOBAL menu, all you need to do is activate TRK SEND MIDI in the TRIG SETUP menu for the track that you want to use.


Thank you, found the Trig setup and set TRK 9 send Midi.
Do I need to connect from AR Midi out to Minilogue Midi In?

Besides this I donā€™t understand why Track 9ā€¦


Why did you choose Track 9?

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I guess this is because of Pad 9 is active on ARā€¦

Hmm unfortunately the AR doesnt sequence my minilogue xD.
Is here someone that could handle the minilogue via the AR?

Have you set your MIDI settings in the ARā€™s GLOBAL menu so that MIDI is sent from the MIDI Out port?

What MIDI channel number have you set for the Minilogue?

Have you set MIDI Route in the Global settings of the XD to ā€œUSB+MIDIā€?

What MIDI channel number have you set for the ARā€™s Track 9?

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This could make sense, AR is on autochannel and minilogue xd is on 16.
What is the autochannel on AR, 7?

The autochannel number is irrelevant for what you have stated so far.

Hmm, it will not work this evening.
I will make a break and try it again at the weekend, maybe I could find out what s the matter with this setup.

Thank you PeterHanes for your help, I appreciate this a lot.
Sometimes it needs more time to find a solution than an evening has, so I think it need some more time to find the solution for my problem.
Have a nice evening.

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Weekend and enough time for new discoveries in my music room.
Toady I started at zero with a whole new ableton project, only with AR, A4, minilogue xd and e-rm multiclock tracks.
It works very quick to record the A4 sequencer in ableton via USB and I even could trigger with the recorded midi track the A4.

Next step was to sequece the minilogue xd with the recorded midi track, it works like a charme, awesome.

Finally I tried the same with the AR, again success.
After that I played with the recorded midi sequence the minilogue and try to use the multiclock to play AR and A4 tight to the running midi clip - tight and nice.
A great evening for me, thanks for the help here and have a nice weekend.
I go further and deeper in this topic again tomorrow.

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Not sure if this helps but to send the notes from the drum pads to a synth, but within the MIDI config The Output Ch on the AR MKII needs to be put to TRK CH to send midi notes in chromatic style to a external synth ie. Digitone/A4 - iā€™m using the autochannel at 11 but it can be set for anything.

Exactly what I was looking for, thank you :slight_smile:

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thanks for this!

Thanks for all the helpful info.
I have everything setting up and working for my RYTM MK1, recording MIDI notes into one MIDI track in my DAW.
In order to play these MIDI notes back into the RYTM I have to transpose them down using a plugin in the DAW.

My question is: Why canā€™t I set the note values for each track on the RYTM to the same note value the RYTM sends out for these tracks to record in my DAW? The lowest note value is -24, but the notes RYTM sends to the DAW are -36 up to -25.
Seems a bit odd but maybe itā€™s to avoid a MIDI feedback loop?
Anyway the transpose plugin solves this issue.

To reply to my own question:
RYTM uses notes -36 to -25 for track notes and -24 to +24 for Chromatic trigs.

The solution is to change the NOT value on the TRIG page for each RYTM track. Use different track channels to separate the MIDI track data to and from RYTM.
NOT values can be the same on all tracks if the channels are different (default channel settings 1-12 for tracks 1-12). But I like to change them so the MIDI info in the DAW looks intelligible on a single MIDI track

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Thanks Sam, EXTERNAL SEQUENCING power unlocked!

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