title says it all… I am wondering… I can either cv sequence the sh via A4, or clock the arp …but not at the same time… am I doing something wrong?
is the issue with A4 outs ? no, let’s assume you have 4 cv channels !
strikes me that clock will drive the sequencer which might disconnect the keyboard/cv-gate in - but clock in should just replace modulator rate, so maybe that’s not what happens
no idea as I don’t have one, sorry
i’d imagine the roland manual has a few clues as to whether there is any trade off, would be a pity, but I think arpeggios will be off limits by cv in obviously
some synths loose key input when you patch in cv
yes its either or, the processor only handles one at a time which kind of makes sense. you can add an lfo clock input jack which adds more options check the novamod manual
thanks avantronica and analogback (<— dat avatar pic…funny as hell!) .
.not gonna solder anything into the sh101