Share your NOT electronic music

Wow, I really love this. I used to go and see/play with bands like this a few years back, kinda miss that scene.

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The band in which I grew up as a musician. Not existing anymore unfortunately


i clearly dont know how to imbed links.

copy/paste in the comment

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sure sure… but it started playing a playlist! and i felt like i was naked in front of the whole class for a second so i ripped it down.
i guess i will try again.


im on drums. bass player is singing wordless vocals (thanks for the terminology @craig!) and using some sort of loop pedal. its recorded with an i phone and the quality is pretty Ha Ha, but… probably the better take of a loose song structure we fiddled with for over a year before it all fell apart.
theres some sloppy rudiments on my behalf (we always drank at practices) but overall i like this one a lot. the end is bass loop pedal magic.


i love it

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:astonished: WOWZERS!!!



An almost pointless video of a performance that relied on volume that the camera mic couldn’t possibly capture properly, and the darkness means you can’t see the details of what was going on. hey ho. I’m playing bass, smoke machine and some unpleasant noises.

We did use a Machinedrum (not so much for this set) for blastbeats in other contexts, the first time I’d encountered an Elektron device.


I’ve played bass guitar in a band for the past 7 years (experimental, 90’s inspired post hardcore) and this year I decided to leave them. We made 3 records, which in retrospect I love all. Here is an example of one of my favorite songs:


Our psychedelic/ jam / rock / experimental / funk type stuff from a few years back.
Mostly guitar / bass / drums / synth, with a bit of looping going on …

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im with you there… i had to pull out of my studio too.
i put my drumset in my sons room, but he is mostly just irritated by it and i dont feel right playing at home.
hang in there. lets get through it.


What gets me is that any of the above tracks could have been hits. If you think about it its mostly luck in the music industry. Being in the right place at the right time.


I worked on a two piece project with a friend called The Min Min Lights for a few years. It’s basically a camping music project, me on guitar and my friend on bass. And I love the name, I really wanted something that had an Aussie folklore, supernatural bent to it.

We’d record in the woods at night, capturing insect, animal and campfire sounds while recording. did a few ep’s. I still think the first one is the most special.

We rocked up to the camp site, got setup. Had an inverter off the cigarette lighter of the car to power two speakers, then set a field recorder off in the woods to capture the ambience. Also record to daw also.

But no joke just as we about to start to play, the whole area just floods with blinking fireflies. It was unbelievable. And it just suited the whole theme and mood so much. And we started playing while they where there. Was truly magic. So we called the ep fireflies.

I’d do some light bad editing, and all improvised in one take so there are often some wrong notes or funny interactions.

But I’m proud of it. This guitar playing is me more than I’ve ever had an identity playing a synth. And I think there’s still more in me to come back to this project, or at least start a new one in a similar musical vein.


Recorded this album in March/April. It has some electronic elements but is based on acoustic handpan, strings and other acoustic instruments. Futuristic ambient chamber folk music for friends of Nils Frahm/Erased Tapes label catalogue. :slight_smile:

The full album can be found at Bandcamp and other streaming platforms. (Kumea Sound: Real Music for Unreal Times Vol 2)


Cool stuff! Also @craig, @eopo, @catbox I really enjoyed your bands, really great!

I used to play guitar in a skramz/post-hardcore band a few years back :wink: We released an EP, a couple of split records and contributed to this really cool comp series called ‘Connections’. I think this track was recorded in 2009. Fond memories! I do miss playing in a band some times, but I definitely don’t miss touring cold squats.


My band, The Fun Boys, just put out our first full length this year. I guess we are sort of theatrical, art rock, jokesters? Its a fun listen, Im pretty happy with it. Oh, and I’m playing guitars on this.

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Pretty sure I listened to this go out live on the radio back in the day. Great stuff.