Sharing/collaborating across multiple octatracks

a friend gets his ot today. yay!
we’ll be collaborating across le interwebs.
would love to share sets as we have done historically through ableton and pt.

any experiences on doing this effective?

at first glace sharing samples seems easy enough! but what about the rest?
sharing complete backups is not a great solution by we both work on projects in other contexts, and we don’t want to share those.

ableton was great because you could simply collect & save.

what do you mean by “the rest” ? you can collect and save on the OT…then just share your chosen project (s) by syncing to card and copying them out for transmission…

I figure the trick will be:

a) having meaningful naming/labeling conventions on your local and shared work

b) having a logical and organized file/folder structure within dropbox/ftp whatever you use to share files

c) being aware of all the external gear/routing setting differences between both of your setups if you’re sharing project files

d) watch this and share it with him!

the rest = patterns and pieces beyond samples.
I hadn’t understood being able to save all aspects to the cf card.
that is great news.

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